Saint4God's Comments
Obama scares me, he was raised by and atheist and fathered by an african Muslim. There's no way he could relate to the average american, he needs to globetrott with some liberal save-the-world humanitarians. I thought Bill Clinton was bad running off to rescue the savages in africa, imagine how bad it will be with Obama in office. Move over African Union, make way for the Black House to keep the peace. The only thing we should send to africa are missionaries to convert the savages.
McCain isn't a man of God as much as I would like him to be but his Sarah Palin shows he will look out for solid Christian values and support intelligent design in school, as well as the posting of the ten commandments in our federal buildings. We are a Christian nation and the atheists and Muslims will just have to deal with it. I pray every day that the white house remains Christian the way it was supposed to be.
McCain isn't a man of God as much as I would like him to be but his Sarah Palin shows he will look out for solid Christian values and support intelligent design in school, as well as the posting of the ten commandments in our federal buildings. We are a Christian nation and the atheists and Muslims will just have to deal with it. I pray every day that the white house remains Christian the way it was supposed to be.
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Its a shame the Bible's teachings are so belittled in our society. I pray that mrs Palin and Mr Mccain is able to restore fairness to our educational system, so that BOTH sides of the controversy are taught. The students need to know...
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Its all lies! There are still missing links
We didnt come from monkeys!
We didnt come from monkeys!
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I am so happy for Sarah!
We'll finally get that evolution mess out of schools
Wasnt sure about MCCain being pro-Christian enough but Sarah gives me comfort. Obama scares me, I can't help but think he identifies with his muslim relatives too much, why doesnt he still go by Barry?
We didn't come from monkeys! The earth is not billions of years old! Go sarah! McCain/Palin 08!!!
We'll finally get that evolution mess out of schools
Wasnt sure about MCCain being pro-Christian enough but Sarah gives me comfort. Obama scares me, I can't help but think he identifies with his muslim relatives too much, why doesnt he still go by Barry?
We didn't come from monkeys! The earth is not billions of years old! Go sarah! McCain/Palin 08!!!
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BTW I think history will judge Bush as one of the top 10 presidents, yes I said it. Make fun of the man if you want but he is a solid Christian with good old fashioned middle american values and has the courage to go against the crowd.