mikos 2's Comments

@Ray: I dont know if the foam would do very much the way he jumps (flat). Water does not compress very well (at all...), so that is probably what actually stops him. The foam underneath is likely more of a precaution in case he does not land horizontally.
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@ted. LOL I guess it should be put right up there with Swastika, ON and Hell, MI :)

Regarding all the "I know better... He's a tool..." kind of comments... He may look silly or lame to you, and it is your rightful oppinion, but the line must be drawn at this point since your oppinion does not justify harrassmet and/or violence. Furthermore, saying that he is a "tool" or something along these lines for the way he looks is just plain hateful, and hate is violence.

I just wish people were a little more tolerant, understanding and nicer of/to each other. Why say things that you know are going to hurt another person? Keep them to yourself!
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Are you people trolls??? Why would it be anyones business if he wears makeup? Just face the facts... Most people are intolerant assholes. Especially in small minded places like Hicksville, Ontario...
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So by that logic sex==family?

i.e. If someone never has sex its fine to mooch of their parents for as long as they like and if they god forbid they have sex they should move out immediately? :) Why is it also so wrong for a couple to live with their parents if they don't have sufficient means to support themselves or if they prefer to do so and everybody agrees?

Unfortunately, I think many people are just too focused on "social norms" and have trouble dealing with outliers. Live and let live. Passing unsubstantiated judgments on people is just wrong. Is it legal? Yes? So what's your problem? Mind your own business. If I'm 90 and a 16 year old likes me and its legal it should be of no ones concern.
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I don't know... I was 16 and though I now have more experience and feel "smarter" I cant say that I could not make serious decisions at 16 or that I don't ever make stupid mistakes now (especially when it comes to love and relationships). I believe that love is truly blind and the heart often takes priority over the pragmatic brain (which is not necessarily a bad thing).
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lol :) to jail? Why? I see nothing morally wrong here... So what if she's 16? That's a normal age for marriage in many societies... Look at her! She's well developed physiologically... She's a woman. Age difference is not necessarily important. If this relationship works, then why not?
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