Sasha 6's Comments
"Stoeckle said the man faces charges for interfering with traffic safety and endangering motorists, and would lose his driver's license and face a 'substantial fine.'"
Interfering with traffic safety? He was keeping up with traffic just fine! Endagering motorists? How?!? The only person he was endagering was himself. And lose his drivers' that punishment even relevant to what he did?
The attitude of the police - "We feel this man was endagering his life. Because of our feelings, let's find him and rob (fine) him."
Really, whose business is it?
Talk about a case of public officials not having anything useful to do and thus making a big deal about something they know nothing about.
So maybe give him a speeding ticket, 62 in a 50. But an "all points bulletin?" Give me a break.
Longboarding is a well established sport, this is clearly not some hairbrained antic. The guy is in complete control all the time, he obviously knows what he's doing. I've gone above 40MPH on a longboard before, it's a bit nervy, but you still have a lot of control, it's not some death defying stunt. I've seen videos of guys going 80.
And a single pebble wouldn't have changed the video much at all - those big longboard wheels will spit most small stuff right out. I've gone through a bunch of loose gravel on a steep hill before, no problem. And they handle very well too.
Interfering with traffic safety? He was keeping up with traffic just fine! Endagering motorists? How?!? The only person he was endagering was himself. And lose his drivers' that punishment even relevant to what he did?
The attitude of the police - "We feel this man was endagering his life. Because of our feelings, let's find him and rob (fine) him."
Really, whose business is it?
Talk about a case of public officials not having anything useful to do and thus making a big deal about something they know nothing about.
So maybe give him a speeding ticket, 62 in a 50. But an "all points bulletin?" Give me a break.
Longboarding is a well established sport, this is clearly not some hairbrained antic. The guy is in complete control all the time, he obviously knows what he's doing. I've gone above 40MPH on a longboard before, it's a bit nervy, but you still have a lot of control, it's not some death defying stunt. I've seen videos of guys going 80.
And a single pebble wouldn't have changed the video much at all - those big longboard wheels will spit most small stuff right out. I've gone through a bunch of loose gravel on a steep hill before, no problem. And they handle very well too.
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@caitlin13: Some people like being shafted. They're called Bottoms.
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"My first impulse would be to free all the slaves, and send them to Liberia,—to their own native land."
"I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races - that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes, nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to intermarry with white people; and I will say in addition to this that there is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality. And in as much as they cannot so live, while they do remain together there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I as much as any other man am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race."
(all quotes from
Lincolns primary concern was smashing independent state power and affirming the supremacy of the Federal state. Indeed, he was no true friend of black people, and only freed the slaves to keep the European powers from coming to the aid of the Confederacy, and for other purely political reasons.
Before 1860, it was assumed that the union was voluntary - all states were there as independent entities acting of their own volition. There is a reason that "united States of America" had that capitalization in the declaration of independence. Lincoln forever smashed this and put the southern states under the yoke of industrialists in Washington D.C. The true cause of the war was not about slavery, but about money, as all wars usually are. Specifically, it was started after the ports in South Carolina started accepted shipping with radically lower tariffs, trying to lure the merchant trade from NYC and Boston. The slavery was the moral issue used to cover up the true financial motives - in a way similar to the "culture wars" of today.
Without Abraham Lincoln there would be no George W. Bush. Idolize him at your own peril.