Bad idea. There isn't too much I'd pay for just to look at or read. Subscribing to certain things I can understand, but paying just to read one article? What if you never go back, would you owe them a dollar forever? It will probably happen in one form or another but I'm not going to like it.
Chuck Yeager turned 31 the day I was born, two months after achieving MACH 2.44 (1650 mph) in his Bell X-1A. I'm proud to share a birthday with this great American hero. Happy Birthday Mr. Yeager!
That's just not right. Since this is common practice, once the dealership signs the contract to pay off the buyers trade in, it should be the dealer's responsibility and in the case of bankruptcy the original lien holder should have to go after them.
First I'd like to say I enjoyed this article. If I did or didn't know about these seven things is not relevent because it's always fun to read about Disneyland. Now let me set a couple of things straight. There was a Mule Ride from 1955 to 1973. There was even a Stagecoach Ride from 1956 to 1959. If you're really interested in the old Disneyland, go to YESTERYEAR.COM and get some real facts about days gone by..
Do all mountain climbers carry a saw? How much food do they carry? Weeks worth? I suppose survival is easier if you bring the right stuff. It was still interesting, even if the practicality of it escapes me.
Con : I’m Christian but I understand that as a physician I leave my religion at the door.
Then you're not a very good Christian.
ff : Offering to “pray” for someone’s terminal illness is insulting and belittling. How about I pop round the corner and murder a virgin in the hopes it makes you feel better.
Yeah, those are exactly the same thing.
If you're insulted or bothered by someone wanting to pray with you I feel nothing but pity for you. What's the harm? Is it fear? To not believe is one thing but to have such animosity is beyond my understanding. The woman said no and that ended it. To want her fired is frightening.
Every member of Congress should be limited to two terms and be limited to one House, after that you leave Washington and go back where you came from. No more lifetimes spent in Congress. They should all live in dormitories, have cubicle offices and make minimum wage. They should have HMOs for their healthcare and pay into Social Security. No more lifetime retirement. There should be no lobbiests. When in session every congressperson is required to be there. Three absences without an excuse from their HMO doctor and they are fired. No more "fact finding" junkets. No more expense accounts. They can eat at the cafeteria for free but anything else they can spend their own money. Bills have to be clean. Nothing not specifically related to the bill itself. Every state gets federal money based on population, size and infrastructure needs. No longer does one state get the lion's share just because they have a congressperson on the right committee. Until they are willing to live like their constituants they have no business in private business and that includes bailouts with taxpayer money. It'll be painful but let's let the chips fall where they may.
She lives with her parents in a three bedroom two bath house. I don't care how many kids anyone has as long as they can support them but this is just wrong. She's wrong, her parents are wrong and the doctor who implanted her is wrong. I don't see any way that she's not going to end up on public assistance. How can a single mom care adequately care for 14 kids without the money for major help?
Edward is right and the "spread spectrum" technology was so far ahead of it's time the government didn't reaalize it's potential in 1941. As the article says, they did however pick it up eventually (after her patent ran out) and it was used on the ships during the Cuban missle crisis. However the real exploitation of this technology came about in it's use in the development of the cell phone and other wireless devices. Truly an idea ahead of it's time.
Moving water is quite the destructive force. The most telling point of the video was the drainage pipe surfacing above where the road surface used to be. Once that pipe was blocked destruction was inevitable. Very interesting to watch.
Then you're not a very good Christian.
ff : Offering to “pray” for someone’s terminal illness is insulting and belittling.
How about I pop round the corner and murder a virgin in the hopes it makes you feel better.
Yeah, those are exactly the same thing.
If you're insulted or bothered by someone wanting to pray with you I feel nothing but pity for you. What's the harm? Is it fear? To not believe is one thing but to have such animosity is beyond my understanding.
The woman said no and that ended it. To want her fired is frightening.
Actually Marco Polo brought back pasta from China didn't he?