D Bozko's Comments

The problem I have with evolution is where all those transitional fossils are hiding. I mean we are always told that so and so evolved from such and such yet we are not provided with the series of transitional fossils as proof. Not even one example. I'm reminded of the cartoon where this scientist is standing in front of a blackboard with all these mathmatical equations written there and about two thirds of the way down the board he's written, "and then something unexplainable happened". That's how I feel about the theory of evolution. It actually takes as much faith to accept evolution as it does intelligent design.
As for this fossil, it's a previously unknown species that scientists have given a back story to. Kind of like the tooth they built an elaborate story around having to do with a previously unknown "human" species. Turned out to be a pig's tooth.
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There was always "scut" work, striatic. What about all that climbing around in the Jeffries tubes to fix something.
I've pondered the question of what motivates the crewmen myself. Captain is one thing but it's still a job like all others. Duty assignments require you to be at a certain place at a certain time performing a certain task. That's work in anybody's book.
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I agree with sadtomato and would like to actually read the letter that was sent home.
Senor Myesterioso, the school official actually said that things like high fives and handshakes are not "unilaterally" banned which means they are banned in some form. I would also point out that pushing and fighting are not in the same category as touching.
The principal also said the letter went out after two incidents where a young man was kicked in the groin. How did they go from a kick in the groin to banning touching? A kick like that is assault, not touching. Not all touching on a school campus is appropriate but schools have a tendency to go to the extreme where a zero tolerance policy ends up with a ten year old suspended for bringing his GI Joe to school because Joe has a one inch toy gun with him. Can't schools deal with behavior on an individual basis instead of a ridiculous blanket policy?
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Johnny Cat: Even the one that looks like it might be Angelina Jolie doesn’t actually look like her in the slightest.
I'm not trying to start trouble but if it doesn't look like her in the slightest then how did you come up with her name?

The sad thing is that some of these are quality tats. I guess as long as the wearer knows who it is, that's all that counts. They can tell everybody else.
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Easy fix, if the plaintiff loses in court (including dismissals) they pay all costs incurred for the defendent. Too many defendents pay up substantial amounts, for cases they would most certainly win, simply to avoid going to court which would cost them even more. Tort reform is definitely needed.
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From the article...what their weight is and whether they should start losing some extra flab.

Right, because if you are fat you have no idea that you are or what you should do about it.

thisisit, that statement is either self loathing or you're a health nut.
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I've been stopped while driving by some stupid, arrogant and down right idiotic cops in my day and I always bite my tongue, remain civil and most importantly DO WHAT THEY ASK. To do anything else makes you an even bigger idiot. At that point they have all the power. You can make your case later if circumstances should require it but in this instance, Desiderio Fortunato was completely wrong. He was just being a total jerk and is lucky he was only pepper sprayed.
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I don't really care if a bank from Spain bought out this bank. It's not like they're going to take it back across the Atlantic with them. There'll still be American jobs out of the dealand that's a good thing. Anyway, I admire this man's convictions by rewarding his loyal workers. What I found amusing was a 75 year old saving her bonus for "retirement" and a 78 year old with a son in law school. I hope when I reach my 70's I'm thinking of a long future ahead.
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We are in a period of transition right now, and while it's painful to go through, we always come out better for it at the other end. Mistakes have been made, ideas have to be reconsidered and there's got to be a new way of conducting business. It's happened before, it'll happen again and individuals need to change along with the times to become better educated and better trained for what's ahead. Those that don't adapt will be left behind, but we need to remember that we will always need a working class. You can design a product or a building but somebody has to build them and maintain and repair them and those individuals need to share in the American dream too.
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The article was one sided and flawed. Eating at home can be cheaper and healthier but fast food is easy. Fast food isn't evil. It alone doesn't make you fat. It alone doesn't give you high blood pressure or high cholosterol. McDonald's gives the public what they want and all these fast food detractors should give it a rest. People have choices, it's just that they sometimes make bad ones.
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