cochineals are used today in some foods so the manufacturer can claim that the product is A: Organic or B: Has no artificial colors.
You have been eating bugs and didn't even know it. Not to mention that the FDA and the Canadian Food administration don't make it mandatory for companies to list Cochineal as an in ingredient.
Perhaps this Cyclops Baby Shark has nothing to do with radiation or perhaps it does. That's not up to me to figure out but what concerns me, is that everyone (Media outlets and by default people) have all but forgotten about the fact that Fukishima Daichi continues to spew radiation into water, air and soil, with no end in sight.
Look forward to more abnormalities world. This could just be the tip of the iceberg.
Okay this is clever but the whole reason that FB is what it is, is because you don't actually have to see your FB friends face to face. That changes what would other wise be acceptable online too creepy in person. Like I said clever idea but Yawn.
You have been eating bugs and didn't even know it.
Not to mention that the FDA and the Canadian Food administration don't make it mandatory for companies to list Cochineal as an in ingredient.
Look forward to more abnormalities world. This could just be the tip of the iceberg.