I would never hire someone who uses Twitter or updates their status/life more than once a day. Such a person is possibly self-absorbed and quite definitely has problems prioritizing their daily tasks.
Making a toy out of something biodegradable doesn't make it a green toy, especially considering that they apparently intend for you to dispose of the toy within one to three years (e.g., before the becomes unviable). And I sure wouldn't want to eat fruits or vegetables grown in a pot that has degrading latex in it. Yuck.
By your logic Angstrom, if I don't like how you look, you are vandalizing my retina with your face when you walk down the street in my presence. The obvious solution is for everyone to wear blinders on our eyes and navigate with guide dogs because we can't be bothered with reality.
It's simply a matter of culture, the work and study ethic of the first several generations coming from Asia. Give 'em a few more decades and they'll achieve mediocrity too.