Makes me think of an old Elvis Costello song: "He thought he was the King of America / Where they pour Coca-Cola just like vintage wine." Certainly sounds like an American innovation.
Since she's talking about women who won't have to go out and run errands for at least four weeks after the birth, she's not talking about me when I had babies, or anyone else I've ever met. I guess if women have so much free time and assistance that they can wrap a placenta and tote it around, more power to them. But I agree with the other posters who point out that animals chew off the placenta pretty promptly, so you could argue that keeping it is actually the subversion of the natural process.
It's been a little while since I read this book, but what outlandish leftist ideas could you possibly be talking about? No one has insisted creators give up their patents, or nationalized businesses, or tied employment to need rather than competency, or even said you can't name your nifty new alloy after your own sweet self. If anything, I think that our current economic problems could probably be laid more at the feet of deregulation and personal greed (too big to fail, anyone?) than Rand's fearful fantasy of a Bolshevik U.S.
IIRC, Rand has Ragnar Danneskjold amend the Constitution to prohibit any regulation of trade. Cause yeah, that works great.
IIRC, Rand has Ragnar Danneskjold amend the Constitution to prohibit any regulation of trade. Cause yeah, that works great.