Ignatius's Comments

I don't even have to read the other comments to know what is right: after colons and periods, it is two spaces. Period. Only when Microsoft decided it was a waste of memory space and unilaterally ruled that Word would auto-correct out two consecutive spaces did it become "standard" to all those who have never known different. Most comment sections of most blogs also "correct" out the second space, much to my annoyance. Why two spaces rather than just one? Because abbreviations also end in a period and unless they are the end of a sentence, they are followed by only one space as a signal to the reader that it is NOT the end of a sentence. I can't believe so few of us even think of that reason. No wonder proof readers are extinct. Those who invented the standard got there first, and unless there is a compelling reason (making it easier on a monopoly, i.e., Microsoft, is not compelling) to stop a practice, they decide what stays and what goes, not those who have been using the system for a couple of decades New users of language don't care nearly as much as older users, because they have no personal investment in it yet. Only when you've grown older with your native tongue do you appreciate all it has done and can do and take pride in mastering it. At least, that's how it should work.
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I agree with Yvonne. And I read this over at the Salon site and they make you give blood in order to comment, so here I am at my fave daily site. Their loss. The Salon article makes the obscene suggestion that this is identical to the "final solution." First, that's an utter lie and second, it's disgustingly vicious. When it is your choice, sterilization is a proactive act of compassion, because you choose to spare another human suffering at your own hand. If self-sterilization were really a slippery slope to eugenics, it would have happened a long time ago.
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Aw! Such fortitude, to resist touching the precious pup. Ohmigutniss, I'm gobsmacked. Poor baby! Did he reunited with his mum? Don't leave us hanging MissCel, por favor. But I loved the human who was filming and making sweet sounds at him/her. She was so sweet and wanted to make him/her feel better. Very rare and so appreciated. I hope the babe found his mum, and the magpie was satisfied, and all was right with the world.
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If it weren't for that annoying woman's squealing and caterwauling, it would've been perfect. Astounding encounter. Now if we could only get Japan to stop whaling all together. Of course whales are curious about us, that's logical.
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I think Neatorama has taken a bizarre turn lately--toward animal mutilation and mistreatment posts that do not denounce the practices depicted. Hmmm... I must re-evaluate its placement in my bookmarks, as I did with Listverse, after the author announced his promotion of Korean dishes that feature live entrees... very unfortunate....
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I, too, am disturbed to see the pup tied to a table leg and the story sounds contrived to keep the negative comments to a minimum. I need proof that this poor earthling is indeed in foster care, rather than a paid for exotic and illegal pet. The circumstances shown do not give me confidence. He looks frightened and anxious. A foster environment would never fasten a charge to a table. Especially not for video pix.
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Wow Neatorama, way to totally misjudge your audience. That is DISGUSTING. Of course the Chinese are continuing what we started, with brio, of course. They poison their own babies formula milk with melamine so why should torturing and maiming fellow primates bother them at all. Take this piece of glorification of horror down, it is repellant in the extreme.
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