Ryan S's Comments


I can isolate the "one" cause this way.

A thing is what it is
A thing is not what it isn't
The identity of any particular thing is relative to what it is not.
All things are interdependent for their identity. (This is known as co-dependent origination, though I prefer terms like lateral causation.)
All things are One
There is only One cause.

We have this ability to pluck out differences and ascribe different names, focusing on the differences and discriminating as such, we suffer from a chronic simultanagnosia in which we fail to perceive all these elements as components of a whole. Never-the-less, there is only One with the appearance of a multitude. E Unum Pluribus
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See, but of course it isn't "scientifically" demonstrable. Science is a limited field of inquiry, limited entirely to the appearance of definite objects with prescribed identities. What I'm talking about is that action which precludes all scientific endeavour, whereby identity and objectifiability are granted to differentiated objects. It is totally outside of the scope of science and science completely takes it for granted without due consideration.

Cogito ergo sum; I think therefor I am. - Rene Descartes'

In-case you haven't had the chance to study Descarte's meditations on the first philosophy. I'll summerize his findings; there is only one thing that Rene could never doubt, he found he could doubt all else, except this; I AM.

"ego" is Latin for "I". Sure, there is no scientific evidence that "I" exist, but why would "I" need such evidence? What would "I" do with it?

You have referred to your-self this way as well, so clearly you accept the existence of your own ego.

Don't fall for the fallacious belief that science has all the answers or could provide all the answers, or that there is no certainty outside of the lab. That's all hogwash. The scientific method was derived by Christians, Muslims and Jews for the purposes of studying "God's works". Because only the works of God can be studied empirically, whereas the "hidden truths" must be inferred rationally.

Put in other terms, the epistemology of science is ever-changing, with new requirement and limitations constantly being added. Karl Popper's falsifiability criteria is not nearly as aged as the first model of optics as rendered by Ibn al-Haytham (A muslim scholar credited with siring the scientific method).

Science will never be able to tell "you" that "you" exist or not, it's not within it's scope, which is why we still need philosophy. And philosophy, particularly epistemology (the study of knowledge) will always underpin and provide the basis for scientific inquiry.
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"Schizophrenia" is a disorder of phenomenological ontology. That is to say, there is always a physical correlate for psychological stuffs. Schizphrenia must have neurological correlates.

Two known contributors to schizophrenia:
Congenital Toxoplasmosis
Congenital Rubella

BTW; Congenital Toxoplasmosis is the result of a placental infection with the parasite Toxoplasma gondii whose primary host is the feline (cat). T. gondii can infect mice and cause them to be attracted to cats who then get infected. One day I saw a mouse trying to climb up on our cat and thought maybe it was infected. I went to the vet, and the vet had never heard of T. gondii.

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Then again, if vegetation in our environment absorbed a different range of light. It's likely our visual system would have evolved differently and attributed "Green" to a different range of light.
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Then the science gets done and you've got a neat gun for the people who are still alive.

Note that the "Make-up" lecture appears to be outside of normal school hours "5-7PM" on a Wednesday. It looks like Wednesday is going to be a long day.
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The brain tumor could have taken out her optic nerve and resulted in the same differentiation of the occipital cortex. Or she could have learned 4 languages using the traditional brain matter, there is really no reason why one would need the occipital cortex to learn multiple languages.
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@Alex - Yes it probably does. I tried to post a more thorough response to that question but it appears to have gotten lost in cyberspace.

The short of it is that the visual cortex probably becomes differentiated for language processing. My original post attempted to explain how/why this happens. With references to a paper titled "Language processing in the occipital cortex of congenitally blind adults"
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You must adhere to the belief in free-will then. In a deterministic universe, whether or not someone is a responsible consumer has to do with various causal factors. And in such a universe there are a sub-group of individuals who are particularly prone to habituate to addictive substances and behavior. In such a universe, self-control or lack thereof correlates with physically observable phenomena, which should be so closely related to the individual in question that they are obviously related. Perhaps the human brain is this physically observable phenomena which correlates with self-control, or perhaps only a part of the brain does. In such a universe, the one providing the stimulus has as much responsibility as the one who ought to be controlling themselves. The one who ought to be controlling themselves may be underdeveloped in the 'brain' region correlating with self-control, as in children.

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In people who are born congenitally blind the neurological real-estate, that is the occipital cortex at the back of the brain is generally differentiated for other tasks. I say "differentiated" because differentiation is the process by which task-assignment occurs in the brain and is generally determined by whatever inputs the nerve cells are receiving. A person who is born blind as the result of a severed or unformed optic nerve will not be receiving information to the occipital cortex and the neuronal real-estate will be differentiated for whatever information it is receiving. Much of language is handled by the temporal lobes which are adjacent to the occipital cortex and might cause the occipital to differentiate for language processing. There are several cases of language processing in the occipital cortex in the congenitally blind.

Related links:
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In Final Fantasy they called this sort of thing a "gunblade". Most famous is Squall's Lionheart. Of course the traditional bayonet might be considered a sort of gunblade adaptation.
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Maps are entirely arbitrary and relative models supervening on real geography. East and West, North and South are completely made-up phenomena that do not exist in reality. It's no surprise that it has problems. But humans become so attached to their ideas and models that it is hard for them to separate fact from fiction in cases like this. The four directions are fictitious contrivances of humanity.

The Nature of Existence Part 3
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I don't think erectile dysfunction was much of a problem when we intuitively acted sadomasochistically in sex. Masculinity in sex takes the form of violator of innocence, a.k.a. the sadist, whereas femininity takes the form of victim of violence, a.k.a. masochism. Which is reflected in the physical act of penetration.

This thesis is denied because we don't want to believe it, but the evidence for it is overwhelming. The incidence of child-abuse, the protrayal of women in pornography and the quality of sexual-imagery as it appears in advertising. Additionally, various studies in sexual psychology support this.

The Curse of Unconsciousness
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