Ryan S's Comments

Yea my first thought was Thor's hammer in nerf obviously! But since I'm slow to respond to these things - my whole life is off-set from the norm - I'll go with a Thor mousepad (likely produced by 3M).

I'm not a schizophrenic, neither am I (L Black)
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That's pretty much the way it was written in Thomas:

What is the bridal chamber, if not the place of trust and consciousness in the embrace? It is an icon of Union, beyond all forms of possession; here is where the veil is torn from top to bottom; here is where some arise and awaken.
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Incidentally, MenOfTheInfinite philosopher Dan Rowden uploaded a clip addressing egotistical friendships and reality-avoidance strategies.

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Ironic! A co-worker of mine just praised me for my clarity and conciseness. He said "You speak clearly and definitively and you usually cover all the ways someone might misperceive you ahead of time."

I'm not saying he is right and you are wrong. I'm just saying its strange that you both criticized me in diametrically opposed ways. Its in the eye of the beholder perhaps.

Yes, people want reality to come to their level. I understand that, I can't bring reality to anyone's level. With risk of sounding nuttier than I already do, I would like to draw on Kabbalah for a traditional representation of what this is like. They insist that it is not reality who has to change, it is you who has to change and what should you change into? Reality! They call this "Equivelance of Form" where form refers to the modus operendi (mode of operation) of reality, which they proclaim to be love. Reality loves all, as the Sufi mystic Rumi said: "And still, after all this time, the Sun has never said to the Earth,
"You owe me."
Look what happens with love like that.
It lights up the sky."

Selfish love gets exactly what it deserves; heartache. All selfishness is rewarded with pain and suffering. But people don't see it, instead they externalize the cause and rally up some support against their perceived enemy.

I don't know if you are a fan of Rudyard Kipling, but his poem If is inspirational to me. Here it is in Typography: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tTeZNfwesg
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Hmm, reproductive stress may be the culprit. However, another potential cause is the pollen is toxic and it is not making its rounds with the birds and the bees. The amount which would normally be consumed by other species could be lingering if there is reason to leave it alone. Just a thought.
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That doesn't sound like the George Washington I know from his 110 Rules of Civility and Decent Behavior.

45th Being to advise or reprehend any one, consider whether it ought to be in public or in Private; presently, or at Some other time in what terms to do it & in reproving Show no Sign of Cholar but do it with all Sweetness and Mildness

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The earth owns you, no amount of discussion will change it. Kick and scream and complain. It made you, it will take you out. The earth is the only ruler who says "Argue amongst yourselves, but obey."

Unlike human dictators, you can curse the earth all you want, you can deny it has any power over you and you can rally against it, but you still have to obey it.
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Look, I get this is a touchy subject that people identify with, and there is a need to have a conversation about it. But the way these conversations go are locked within a schismatic separation of causal continuity. There is no If P Then Q solution to the issue. In logical form it would look something like: If S believes that if p, then (q unless S does x); and S desires that not-q; and S does not believe that if p and S does x, then something r will be the case such that S desires not-r more than S desires that p; etc.; then, ceteris paribus, probably S will do x.
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Never seen it, Tommy, the pinball wizard, now that I have seen. Great film! Here is the scence after Tommy's world is in shambles and he's overcome egotism and found a connection to reality. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqmO2XZP6ps
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