Ryan S's Comments


Because egotism has greater representation in social situations.

Otherwise none of these theories can account for the kind of laughter that proceeds from insanity. They all depend on their existing certain environmental factors, whereas humor based solely in egotism is available to anyone anywhere. Even if they are criminally insane and existing in a padded room. Laughing at the absurdity of one's own life isn't necessary indicative of acceptance. Sometimes we laugh when we have no control over our own lives, and it is a laugh laden with anger. It's not an acceptable violation, it's a maniacal laughter. e.g. "muahahaha"

Everything human is pathetic. The secret source of humor itself is not joy but sorrow. There is no humor in heaven.
Mark Twain
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I'm beginning to realize that the best kind of razor ever made is a straight-razor with a single blade. I've progressively "upgraded" from 2-blades to 4-blades and realized that they don't work nearly as well.

Maybe if you were shaving every day, but I shave once or twice a week and my Shick Quatro is garbage, my Gilette Mach 3 works a bit better, but 2-blade women's disposable razors work just as well.
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Marketting is all about appearance. The famous "I'm a Mac. I'm a PC" campaign is backed by both Apple and Microsoft because they have distinctively different niches in the computer market. What it does is portrays Mac and PC as the only options, and as if they were in an innovative competition with each other. They also cut out the one open-source alternative; Linux. It is very clever.

Steve Jobs and Bill Gates can be seen side-by-side and talking about the ad campaign. Basically, letting that cat out of its bag.
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And that is how we screw each other over while wearing a big smile the whole time. It is all surface level nicities, and underneath that veil, we are cruel to each-other. When questioned, we toss the veil back over and claim to be innocent little victims.
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Of course, because socially we are weak-minded victims. We plead and cry and whine and kick and scream and make the whole universe about us. Instead of maturing to a point where we don't need platitudes and politesse.

The devil is there, in that weakness, in that poor sad-sack, victim, mentality. Where no truth can come in and no practical measures can be taken if they hurt the poor little ego inside. So we set about puffing each other up and rubbing egos, and the whole damn society is papered-over and nothing productive really gets accomplished.
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I disagree, furthermore I disagree that Plato and Aristotle had such a myopic view of humor.

Science has historically tried to lump everything together under one explanatory umbrella, with many successes. Either as essences, behaviors, cognition, representation and evolution.

By explaining humor in evolutionary terms, I think the actuality of it is missed, though the model may prove to map onto humor well. It has long been believed that "absurdity" was the source of humor, which may be akin to "violation". But I do not think laughter is an evolutionary signal that some violation is okay. Quite often we laugh anxiously when something is not okay.

Rather, humor should be explained under the umbrella of self and egotism.
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I used to play Galaga 90 like... 90. I remember trying to win after taking the longest possible flight-path, without dying and without using the initial cheat that gave you dual ships. I don't think I ever quite succeeded.
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Well, basing "America" on monetary value is probably the least disturbing way of tracking American progress. If you based it on the ideals of its founders... it's already dead.
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Amen- refers to Truth/God. As in, Amen-Ra and Amen-hotep. And it is used to close a Christian, Muslim, or Buddhist verse, Amen.

A similar term is El- which means God upon Gods and is preserved in names like Isra-el (Persevere with God), Emmanu-el (God among us), Rapha-el (cure-god), Micha-el (Who is like God?).

In the prophecy of Jesus birth in the Holy Bible, his name is given as "Emmanuel" (God among us).

In the old pagan tradition of El worship. El was lord upon lords, the Jews disbelieved this, but Yahweh is refered to as El-ohim in Genesis.

Another one is Dea:

Dea Dia, goddess of growth in Roman mythology
Dea Matrona, or "Divine mother goddess", goddess of the river Marne in Gaul
Dea Sequana, goddess of the river Seine in Gallo-Roman religion
Dea Syria, or Atargatis, "Goddess of Syria"
Dea Tacita, or "Silent goddess", goddess of the dead in Roman mythology
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