Ryan S's Comments

I don't see how any of that detracts from the fact that the Concord School of Philosophy of which Thoreau was a part was based in transcendentalism. German idealism to be more specific and is essentially as I said overcoming psychological egoism and attaining absolute wisdom. Give it at try, maybe you'll find less need to be so insulting.
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@steve dall

What's the wrench for? A bolt? As I recall Thoreau didn't use bolts for anything.

I think you guys are missing the point. Thoreau wasn't about going without things completely in vain. He only spent 2 years at Walden before moving on and reintegrating to society. It's all about psychological determinism/psychological egoism.


Part of our egoic tendency is to project egoic motives on others, such that the enemy becomes externalized through our projections. In this way, even Saints are degraded to Sinners. Mahatma Gandi never did anything saintly because he slept with naked women. Nevermind the fact that he did so as a test of his psychological egoism, which may in-fact be rooted in egoism, but that is such a convoluted process, at least the guy tried. But we have a tendency to diminish others accomplishments, especially when they appear better than us!
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Yea, so parthenogenesis only really works to create genetic clones. What makes XY sex-determination potentially better is genetic diversity. It's believed that in X0 lizards the occasional mutation occurs producing a male off-spring which allows for diversity wherein cloning is the dominant form of reproduction.

Of course cloning is not very adaptive
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You know I've spent too much time on programs like Kymatica and the Pharmacratic Inquisition because when I look at this all I think is; As above, so below.
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Hey, btw, if you are really interested in the HHMI DVDs you can get free copies from biointeractive.org

A few years ago I managed to get them to send me all of their DVDs, like 20 of them and I'm not even a US resident. All I had to do was fill out the form on the website.
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Interesting, I thought there was already species with X0 Sex-determination, I guess that was from an extinct species of lizard?

I was sure they speculated that X0 was a precursor to XY.

I don't know, I got it from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute's DVD on sex-determination and it's been a while since I watched it.

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"I do believe people can fall into the trap of believing that 'freedom' is, like you know, I do what I like, I don't really think that's freedom because you are still bound by your desires. You know, your passion is still determining your behavior, so where is the freedom?"


Freedom does not mean; free to do what one wants.

Freedom means; free to do other than what one wants.

That is in the strongest sense of freedom from psychological determinism.
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I'm your truth, telling lies
I'm your reasoned alibis
I'm inside, open your eyes
I'm you

Sad but true

Taste me you will see
More is all you need
Dedicated to
How I'm killing you

Come crawling faster
Obey your master
Your life burns faster
Obey your master

Justice Is Lost
Justice Is Raped
Justice Is Gone
Pulling Your Strings
Justice Is Done
Seeking No Truth
Winning Is All
Find it So Grim
So True
So Real

Yeah, Everyone's got to have the sickness
'Cause everyone seems to need the cure

And with dust in throat I crave
Only knowledge will I save
To the game you stay a slave

And my ties are severed clean
Less I have the more I gain
Off the beaten path I reign

There isn't that much separation in Metallica songs either, you could probably find some relatedness between them all.
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True power isn't how much you have, but how much you can do without.

When we acquire new possessions we get a high from it's novelty, in the form of a dopamine surge in our brains. But we quickly habituate to the possession and the process of consuming goods. Such that it can become an addiction.

Kids used to have nothing but a stick and a hoop to play with, or just rocks, and believe me they were just as happy at times and just as miserable at times. Because our brains/minds get used to everything and it all seems dull and boring.

For Thoreau, this was not the case, he found an awe and reverence for life and nature that meant he didn't need all those possessions. The way he saw it, he and the universe were one, in a harmonious matrimony that gave him all the pleasure he needed. Admittedly this can be hard to understand and appreciate.
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I am a Canadian, and I have no less concern for what the Canadian government has done to support military efforts around the globe.

I honestly don't consider myself liberal. I have conservative and liberal elements, wherever such a habit is actually virtuous. My philosophy of sin and crime probably sounds more conservative than liberal and I look upon popular issues like abortion and homosexual marriage as essentially non-dichotomous.

Martyrdom is probably not the primary issue. It is more than likely an egotistical defense against a loss. If you can manage to see a friend die and accept that it was entirely in vain then perhaps you are wise enough to judge them. But chances are you would claim your loss was not in vain and manifest some heroic reason for their death which would further fuel your conviction that you are right and they are wrong and action must be taken to correct the world.

Honestly, I think 100% of war is caused by our inability to see ourselves as the villain. And by us I mean the whole human race. We are too busy protecting a good self-image. It sounds stupid, and that makes it easier for us to disregard it, how can we be that stupid? I'm not that stupid! Furthermore, as long as our perceived enemy continues to retaliate with violence we are pressured by fear to believe that there is real justice in violence against that enemy. It is much harder to resort to violence when our opponent is not using it themselves. Because ego, we are perfect, shiney beings, we do Gods work or we are righeously Godless. Whatever, we are best, aren't we? Whatever we are, each and every one of us thinks they are best, and if they think not its only because it looks bad to think highly of oneself, and that is the same damn thing! Flies in the vasoline we are!
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I generated a blog post about the Qutbist-Western Culture problem if anyone is interested: http://reactionpotential.blogspot.com/2011/05/islam-and-west.html
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You are right! Though, I had no intention of attacking anyone. I partially reacted to the idea that this is awesome when it is just a weapon. I would like to discuss the issue, but unfortunately, I think that the issue has its roots in attitudes held by us all, some which are considered patriotic in America.

I do not think gloating over superior weaponry or the destruction of the enemy is productive toward any goal but increased hostility and lust for war. Just as my reacting to the original post produced a high probability of future hostilities. This conversation was in some way a microchosm of the problem I perceive affecting us through war and the reason pride and gloating over war perpetuate it.
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Yea, I guess its not really about the weapon. I mean if this was in the hands of 'terrorists' you wouldn't think it was that awesome. If the news was the Muslim Brotherhood acquired a third-generation tritium suit-case bomb you wouldn't think it was awesome, you'd probably think it was aweful. So maybe the only acceptable thing to say is "America, fuck yeah!"
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