Ryan S's Comments

Nature is the source of all intelligence. That which happens in the brain to create our sense of individualized self and "human intelligence", is an extension and reflection of nature's intelligence.
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Yet, the plant has no awareness-of-being-aware, so whatever awareness it has, it is not as an isolated self. So it knows not lonliness. Humans, on the other hand, have an integrated sense of self-hood, that by distinction, generates a divide between the self and the world at large. From whence the sense of lonliness originates. While both humans and plants are part of the seamless continuity of reality, and no definite separation exists between them, the plant suffers no delusion of its own separate existence and therefor does not experience death either. Humans have the special advantage of self-awareness, which delivers it's product through the misidentification of a discrete set of relations. Yet the human has the ability to revoke all such identities and return to it's unbridled state, within which one is neither this nor that and would in many respects be like the plant.
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Everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but nobody is entitled to their own facts. The self as a subsistent entity is an illusion and therefor false. That which is true is singularity, the finite beings that we are, are a manifestation of the one reality. This reality some call Nature and others call God and some are too ignorant to see the relationship at all.

This is why Christianity warns against self-idolatry and ascribes the characterization of Lucifer to this aspect of human nature. The self is not a separate entity, more like a fraction of the totality. All our light is owing to God in other words. Or without the cosmos we would be nothing. But, the lie of self-hood blinds us to the realization and keeps us chasing after thrills and status.

Those wise to this underlying nature can see the unfolding of its dynamics and peer vaguely into the future of humanity. While there are many methods and doctrines including Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Prayer, Meditation and Self-flagellation (to name a few). There is only one way to God and that is through Truth; understanding with absolute certainty. The intricate nature of the implicit and explicit orders and a submission of the ego unto it's rightful owner; the singularity (God). Everything else is mere confusion, a play on words and ritual. Most of which appeal to the self and further delude it.

The ego either takes the stories from the Bible as fantastical and true or fantastical and false. Both ways of seeing are incorrect, the only thing fantastical about it is that the underlying truth is more mundane and superficial than the stories which describe it. Yet it is within this superficiality and mundacity that we find awe and wonder at the life we are already living.

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A plane full of people died when military personnel aboard a US ship incorrectly perceived the ascent of an Iranian passenger plane (Iran Air Flight 655) as a descent in attack pattern of an F15. The plane was supposedly squaking F15, but this was an error caused by the Americans being too close to the Iranian airport. They were picking up squak codes for the entire tarmac. They shot down a passenger jetliner and over 100 people died.

Ah, technology! Useful, if it isn't too confusing.
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IMHO. The rapture is a parable describing what will happen when truth is honored above all else. When "truth" makes it's return, since it had been crucified. This has nothing to do with physical form, truth is not physical.

The return of the truth means that egoism must go. All the ivory castles constructed in the name of Self will be destroyed and it will be as if the inhabitant had been cast into hellfire. Their lives, resting atop a house of cards, will burn with despair at the loss of their heightened sense of self. Shame! Humiliation!

This will happen eventually because as we press on further and further into self-absorbed delusion, like vortices we consume the surrounding universe which can only continue to a point, before we start consuming ourselves more directly and define our own demise.

The lie has already got us going in circles chasing possession and approval and fighting endless bloody wars. When the truth returns, it will burn more than spilt blood, many will hope to be dead instead. But who can put a fixed date on when that will happen? My estimates suggest a few more decades or perhaps generations before the necessity of truth burrows its way into the collective human conscious, and that will only come about because of death and suffering. Humans just won't care unless they are in enough pain.
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Apparently the UV radiation from monitors and other sources of incandescent light accelerates the growth process, such that boys and girls mature "faster" in the modern society. Keeping in mind that maturity in this sense refers to physical development.

I wonder what the net result would be of surrounding oneself with sources of UV radiation.
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Yup. EEG is just picking up transcranial emminations from the brain. The brain generates a field which permeates through the cranium and the EEG is able to pick it up. But it quickly dissipates.

Newer techniques allow for the identification of classifiers that recognize patterns in complex field patterns. Soon et. al. used such a method to predict human decisions 7s prior to conscious awareness with a high success rate using functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI). Results were published in a paper called Unconscious Determinants of Free Decisions in the Human Brain. I post a link to the video lecture that describes the method of classification.

There may be some way for them to pick up transcranial field emminations and classify it. It's not completely fantastic. Keep in mind that plausible, true and false are three different judgements.

John-Dylan Haynes : Unconscious determinants of free decisions in the human brain

Decoding mental states from human brain activity
author:John-Dylan Haynes, Bernstein Center for Computational Neurosciencehttp://videolectures.net/eccs08_haynes_dmsfhba/
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That is somewhat cultural and based in a biased sample. There is this philosophical tradition which basically suggests that sexual desire is egotistical and therefor essentially false. Once the illusion of sexual desire is seen through, the desire doesn't arise or when it does, it isn't given any power, it is seen to be a delusion given immense power by the culture.
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