Ryan S's Comments

I have a Pontiac Firefly '97 which as you may well know is the Canadian equivelant of the Geo Metro and Suzuki Swift. The car is excellent on gas averaging $25/week for two people. Another tidbit, I believe all of the Geo and Pontiac hatchbacks were manufactured by CAMI (formerly Canadian Automotive Manufacturing Inc.) in Ingersoll, Ontario, Canada.

Apparently these were part of a push to economy cars that occured in the 90s but the Geo line was phased-out by the SUV fad. Remember $25/week for me and my girlfriend to commute to and from work and do all of our shopping. That's with fuel prices at $1.38/G last time I filled up.

I'm not a gearhead, but this is some information I collected, for better or worse.
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I have Lila by Pirsig and I thought it was a great story. I should read his other; Motorcycle Maintenance and the Art of Zen

My library:
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I know, it represents the fiery cherubim at the the end of the straight-and-narrow, blocking man's re-entry into Paradise. The red tape that keeps the truth confined.
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It depicts light diffusion. The sun projecting toward the people and the rain above them interface to create the appearance of a rainbow.

Stop me before I start making sense. Black/L
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About 6 or more years ago something within me changed. I became less interested in girls, games and cars and became obsessively interested in "Why?" the question in a philosophical/spiritual pursuit. I've been searching high and low for the answers and one of the first places I went was my parents and siblings. But my parents and siblings were much too into girls, games and cars (etc..) and found my pursuit annoying, to say the least. It bothered me because I thought my aims were righteous, noble and by far superior to their idle occupations. Nevertheless, I couldn't convince them to see the import in what I had learned, was learning and could teach them. Nor did they have much to offer and due to forseeable consequences communications with many of them have been severed. There is some solace in the fact that virtually all genuine spiritual/truth-seekers face this cold reality. I wouldn't have it any other way, the search implicates me at its core and demands that I can go at it alone.
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He probably could have read the collected works of Shakespeare in the time it took to make that bike, but a non-functioning monotone plastic ornament is cool too.
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So long as the dream lasts
consciousness is unable to engage in reflection.
It is carried along by its own decline
and it continues to lay hold of images indefinitely.
- Jean-Paul Sartre
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The story of Saul, whether true or not, is representative of the principle of penance. That, at any time, any one of us could wake up and change our course.

I don't know if Putin fits that mold, but for me to assume that he doesn't would be an injustice to my own soul.
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Just be wary of consuming the toxic constituents of various compounds of polyethylene and polypropylene. Even the plastic that your food products are packaged in are not safe for extreme temperatures. While it might be okay for a kid to suck on the doll, it may not be okay to eat ice cream or hot beverages from it without leaching toxins into your drink.
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My anal sphincter purposes to stop the flow of flatulence and fecal matter. At least for small periods of time. I do what I can to pass gas in uninhabited zones.
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This may be misleading. We all have a tendency to reflect on what we already know and slot our new experiences in with the old. It doesn't matter if you are 8 years old or 80 years old, except that when you are 80 you already have a model of the world which you think covers just about everything.

I think the causes for this are complex and require an understanding of the representational structure of the brain generally, as well as the process of synaptic plasticity which allow for the formation of new representations and solidification of old representations.

Alzheimer's disease has been associated with an amyloid plaque build-up in the brain which can be largely postponed by keeping the brain in a state of flux. If one gets too routinized and doesn't learn new information, but repeats the same too-tired categories, thoughts and opinions, then one "hardens" the brain into that rigid pattern of activation with little chance of restructuring it.

Generally, the tendency to compress new information to fit into existing models of the world is known as confirmation bias, categorical thinking and closed-mindedness. The inability to assess new information in old age may simply be the natural consequence of having a self-centered bias in the formation of the model to begin with.

I want to stress that as far as representational neuroscientists are concerned the whole of representational space must be coherent, when new information threatens the coherence of the world-model, the system has to account for the new information and we experience discomfort, uncertainty, insecurity and despair. A number of factors that force us to find a new coherent model to continue on our lives. We will sit by ourselves, pitifully, trying to rethink our world until it makes sense. It is much easier, therefor, to make everything fit into the current model if at all possible, the job of recreating the model to be congruent with the new information is unpleasant and energy-consuming.
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