Ryan S's Comments

Altered Egos by Todd E. Feinberg. Great book on delusions especially that pertain to self-concept like Reverse Intermetamorphosis. It also includes detailed descriptions of Cotard's, Capgras, Depersonalization, Derealization and the rest.

Of course these say nothing of the more common delusions in a society; that is those that actually drive the bulk of society.
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He should still have emotions since these are processed mainly in the limbic system, but he won't have much ability to self-regulate those emotions and may be consciously unaware of them. Remember Dr. Harlow's account of Gage. Such a person may actually grow to hate themselves if they can't maintain accurate self-concept stability.

“Remembers passing and past events correctly, as well before as since the injury. Intellectual manifestations feeble, being exceedingly capricious and childish, but with a will as indomitable as ever; is particularly obstinate; will not yield to restraint when it conflicts with his desires.” Dr Harlow reports that Gage’s employers, “who regarded him as the most efficient and capable foreman ... considered the change in his mind so marked that they could not give him his place again.... He is fitful, irreverent, indulging at times in the grossest profanity (which was not previously his custom), manifesting but little deference for his fellows, impatient of restraint or advice when it conflicts with his desires.... A child in his intellectual capacity and manifestations, he has the animal passions of a strong man.... His mind was radically changed, so decidedly that his friends and acquaintances said he was ‘no longer Gage.’”
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That would have damaged his frontal cortex which is implicated in impulse control. Many call it the "executive" of the brain. Without it, he would have an even harder time resisting drugs. It is possible that prior to the accident he already had frontal lobe impairment which contributed to his addiction.

Anyway, I notice a lot of mocking and judging of this man by people who know absolutely nothing about neuroscience. Knock it off.
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Murray, Holmes, and Griffin (1996) followed dating partners over the course of a year and found considerable evidence for the looking-glass self. They found that the more the participants' partners idealized the participants, the more the participants came to have positive changes in their self-concept.
Thus, when participants saw an idealized version of themselves reflected in their partners' appraisals of them, the participants changed their self-views to be more consistent with the partners' appraisals.
When the participants knew that their partners held them in high regard, participants felt even more secure in their own sense of self-worth as these romances developed. According to Murray and colleagues, this increase in feelings of self-worth might then have allowed individuals to see their partners in an even more positive or generous
light (because of the role of positive self-regard
in fostering illusions). The authors suggested that this reciprocal process of mutual affirmation and reaffirmation could be the keystone for lasting satisfaction and security in romantic relationships.

In this view, casual acquaintances
and friends provide the least distorted reflection
of oneself. Strangers have the most distortion
(due to lack of information), and
intimates have a moderately distorted reflection
of oneself (due to subjectivity and desire
to protect oneself from harsh truths).

- The Handbook of Self and Identity, Chapter 4 Self and Identity as Memory & 5 The Reflected Self: Creating Yourself as (You Think) Others See You
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I enjoy sex and all, but another part of me can't help thinking about Intracranial Self-Stimulation and the fact that an electrode implanted into the Nucleus Accumbens can produce similar "sexy" feelings. It makes sex out to look like masturbation with a partner.

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You take Ego-support value, combine it with utility value and stimulation value. You combine these together to achieve a score and that score resembles your "Love". But such is really a commodity exchange performed unconsciously. I'm not making this up you can look for it. These three metrics measure "loving and liking" in human relationships. At least for the most part.

Ego-support value is anything the other person does to boost your self-esteem and keep your head above the clouds safe from negative attributions of self

Utility value is what the other person can do or provide for you. If they are a lawyer, maybe they have a big income and can provide you with lots of cash.

Stimulation value is how stimulated you are by the other person. Perhaps you enjoy their witty conversation about pop culture. That is stimulation value.

Underlying all three of these metrics is the common theme that they are all ego-based evaluations. These evaluations are said to be done unconsciously for the most part. But have nothing at all to do with the best interests of any party involved, least of all the person we supposedly "love".
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Oh no. Truth is awesome. There is nothing that compares to it. You know as a matter of definitional logic, truth is the only that really is. Everything else is false, so you are living in a fantasy world. And you know that bubble must burst eventually causing you to suffer. Me, I'd much rather have truth. That doesn't mean that it is always going to be "nice" or pleasant. Chances are it won't be which is why so many of us strive to avoid it. But you cannot avoid truth indefinitely, it sneaks up on you. E.g. when you catch your husband banging the waitress.
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IMHO, people generally have destructive methods for determining what is true. I used the term destructive to convey not only wrong methods but the harmful conclusions that follow. Truth has become a matter of "right to have an opinion" and preference of opinion. People "take sides" on issues they barely understand. But if one thinks carefully about it, truth is not a matter of preference and having that attitude toward truth can have some pretty serious consequences.
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I think the point is that people need higher standards of knowledge. Just because your friend told you something doesn't make it true. Just because some dude is ranting and raving about some long chemical name doesn't mean you should sign his petition. If you don't know, you don't know. No one is requiring you to take a position on something you don't know. However, a citizen with a vested interest in his society may want to consider acquiring adequate knowledge in order to make an informed decision. It is unfortunate however that the weight of informed opinions may not be enough to compensate for haughty mobs of the ill-informed.
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