Sadie Thompson's Comments

Thank you for pointing out my shortcomings. As many people have stated, the president prior to George W. Bush is responsible for a great deal of our current economic problems. Bush certainly didn't alleviate them.

As for me being a racist, no. Had I voted based solely on color, then I would have been a racist. Since I didn't, I'm not.
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I for one am glad to see that everyone STILL thinks that Southerners are illiterate, racist bigots with their heads up their asses (or their cousins' asses).

I'm also glad to see that millions of people voted for the President of the United States of America based on color. Now the rest of the world has to like us, right?

I'm even more glad to see that that we have yet another Democratic president in place to further ruin the economy.

With that bit of sarcasm over, would Neatorama have posted a bid INSPIRATIONAL picture of McCain had he won? No. I am only commenting on this because I come to this website to learn important info, not to have ignorant viewpoints shoved in my face. That being said, everyone just enjoy the next four (eight?) years with no Republican in office to blame.
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  • Member Since 2012/08/12



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