Zhoen's Comments

This is where being a decent human being would come in, and generosity would pour out goodwill. Instead, we get greed and resentment. Who cares who bought what ticket? Share, people. Like the mother of seven should be teaching her children, preferably by example.
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Miss Cellania,

Even when you made your comment, there were several Detroiters who'd made comments.

To the rest of you,

Everyone who does not live there and insists that there must be a South to Detroit, logically, is being willfully ignorant, and there is no reply to that kind of irrational stubbornness. Go to Detroit, book a hotel in South Detroit, and have a wonderful time. Underwater, or in Windsor. Preferably in November. With an endless loop of Journey on your ipod.
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Precisely, South Detroit is either Windsor, or it's in the river. I grew up in Southwest Detroit, which used to be Springwells long ago.

I try not to hear Journey lyrics, as a rule.
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Is recycled brass that expensive these days? If they'll strip electrical towers for copper, stealing tubas for brass isn't that far fetched.
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There are suppositories. Got some Olympic athletes in trouble in 2002. At the time I thought, my pre-op patients would want them. The inhaler would be even more popular.
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I'd recite lines from The Satanic Verses if I got a good discount. Recitation does not equal belief. But, if I had a choice of talking to a religious fanatic or merely making a business transaction, I'll take the latter.
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Exxos is right. When I'm going, I'm looking for where I'm going, waiting for the right exit, looking for the right street, checking for the address. This all seems to take forever, I think I should already be there. When I come home, I relax and go on automatic, listen to the radio, chat instead of straining to watch for the next turn. And the next time I go to the same place, it doesn't seem as far as the first time.

I haven't got an optimistic bone in my body, so I don't buy that theory at all.
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Oh, c'mon. Lemonade stands run by little kids are the stuff of comics and nostalgia, not real life. Anyone trying it is playing at it, as is appropriate for children. They could just pretend sell imaginary lemonade, be just as happy. Making the actual sales of lemonade will not affect anything significant.

No one in their right mind would actually buy and drink whatever was mixed up by sweaty little kids they don't know.
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What is surprizing is that it hasn't happened before. Seriously, this is a completely un-monitor-able situation. Amazing we haven't seen this sort of infectious contamination regularly.

And, how can the FDA get on a substance that isn't legal or regulated? How would they do anything about it?
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The cat, the laptop, keys already clipped to purse, shoes and weather appropriate jacket, camera if readily available.

Having a laptop makes it much easier, because it's all the important papers and numbers, as well as old letters and photos.

My spouse might also grab one guitar, if possible.

We've been through a lot of alarms at various apartments. The cat goes under the sofa and freezes, so we know how to get him.
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