just a guy 1's Comments

I read the guy's retelling about how this happened when he was driving, etc...

I wonder why he didn't just pull over and wait it out, rather than trying to 'pay close attention to his surroundings' while it went on for a half-hour.
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The reason they don't just kill themselves is because they don't just 'want to die'. From what I've taken from all these murder-suicide people, what they *want* to do is kill people.

Only after they've killed and find themselves in a hopeless situation - realizing what they've done and now faced with the dispair and self-loathing of their villiany (as well as the despair of facing consequence) - THEN suicide it what they want.

That's just my theory on such people's motivation and behavior pattern.

No less cowardly, no less tragic for all involved.
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A great example of why living under Theocracy is bad, and seperation of church and state is important.

How'd you like to get a fine and/or jail time for having some beef jerky on a Friday?

I doubt it, but hopefully this'll make people think before endorsing politicians who coddle the 'religion right'.

(and I say that as a non-athiest myself)
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The results of the poll, and the comments here, are unsuprising. I hate the idea of the gvt using taxpayer money to 'save the banks' who are in trouble due to their own greed.

However, whether we bail them out or not, the 'fat cats' (as Miss C called 'em :)) ARE going to get their unfairly huge piece of the pie. This is going to happen if 'we' bail them out or not.

As much as I hate to say it, we're kind of stuck here. If we don't bail out the banks - even with a good plan (again, like Miss C said about giving to the FDIC), the collapse of a lot of banks will have a very starling effect on the economy, and *globaly* too, not just in the USA.

And that effect would be very bad.
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Okay, most of these I can understang, but 'pudding pop' isn't 'deception', its an outright lie. If you called a product 'Chicken nuggest' but it didn't have chicken in it, that would be the same thing. Calling a product 'pudding pop' doesn't 'sound like there's pudding in the pop', its calling it a pop made out of pudding. oi
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I've posted about things not being 'neat' or 'neato' before, and basically have had other commenters mock me for it (such as 'this isn't called "Rose Colored Glasses-o-rama" ' or some such thing.) So i give up in saying that, even though it applies.

That being said - here's a comment that is something completely different!:

Man, this wouldn't have happened if the police who released him didn't play all those violent video games!
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I agree. The dictionary is where you are supposed to find all sorts of obscure words. (also, how else will annoyingly good Scrabble players prove they are using a real word).

Also, a lot of those words were new to me, but 'forthcoming' and 'reprieve' are cosidered obscure?!
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If it takes you 2 months to leave, something is wrong with your exit strategy! :P

Seriously, though, the delay is annoying. I just want them to do the darn collisions so when nothing apocolytic happens, people will be calm again. like when Y2K hit, etc...

Still, though, entropy becomes much more of an antagonist as complexity rises (this is one reason shuttle launches are delayed so often), and the LHC is pretty complex.
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Don't care what people say about how "they'd be able to do it", but this kind of thing would impact work performance. If I were a boss, espeically a small business owner, an employee using a treadmill while working would be a big no.
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I usually like avante garde stuff, but this guy has an obsession with crap and butts. Stating that poop was art and seeing if they could get away with it (they did) was done in the dadaist movement, to death. Its not original anymore, if it even had THAT going for it. Stop with the fecolphelia!
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