just a guy 1's Comments

The video is a classic, and it wonderful exercise in 'breaking the bounds of reality', esp for an 80s video. (Man, I miss story-telling videos. To many videos now-a-days just show the band playing or artist dancing, or just TnA.)

Anyhow, this parody was great too, :)
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Did people not notice the comment about it being not true?

It amazing what people will try to pull over on us in the name of environmentalism.

If you can find it, watch Penn and Teller's debunk of our recycling system. I believe it was on their show "Bulls**t"... season 2?
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of course it orbits both. and as Xinavera pointed out, it orbits all things up the universal ladder. such is the nature of orbits. However, its 'immediate' orbit is Earth. (just as Earth's is the sun).

On a side note, the Hill sphere is the reason why this is a false claim: "the full moon affect people because people are made mostly of water, and the moon affects tides." (which i've heard from several people. The fact of the matter is that the moon is too far away to affect something with as little mass as a person, compared to, say, another person standing near them. and even if this wasn't true, the phase of the moon (how much light is bouncing off of it from Earth's view) doesn't affect it gravitation pull.
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LOL, just thought.... the doll wasn't *really* "State-of-the-art" if he's had it for a few years. Why, it would be missing all the last few years of advances in sex-doll technology!
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I love how 'tracking down the guy who dumped it' was such a simple step in this story. If it had been an actual corpse, I wonder if that would have been true? Hmm...

On the other hand, if he was living with one of his kids when the cops showed up, how embarassing would that be?
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Trivia! : The first typewriters wern't QWERT, they were alphabetical. However, people were so quick typing on them, the machinery got jammed. So when they redesigned the key arrangement for the new typewriters, it was engineered to be as counterintuitive as possible, so ensure people couldn't type too fast to jam the machines.
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Ashley - actually, you're completely wrong.

People like Fishman will get their gold no matter what we do. Trust me on this. The only way they wouldn't is if they did something illegal (like in Enron).

The 'bail out' - that will affect the government's (FDIC) finances, and ensure that none of the bank's customers get screwed.

But, the point is moot. Wamu didn't need a bail out, as it was bought by Chase / J.P. Morgan.
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