just a guy 1's Comments

Ok, a baby born, into a toilet, at a McDonalds, to a woman who wasn't aware enough to even know she was pregnant.

All those factors added in... Man.. all the other countries are going to make fun of us (USA) for this. Talk about cliche meets symbolism.

Yikes.... *sigh*
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What's sad is that these songs (most of pop recently) is so DARN homogenous that a mashup like this can be made!

I can't wait for pop to get past the 'hiphop' slump it's been stuck in for a deckade or so and has more variety (hip-hop is fine, but i'm sick of everyTHING being R&B and all videos abeing about the bling and hoes.)
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Justin, nothing to fear, it's not recognising anything. James is right. it's just essentially printing out a snapshot of the person, modified by a program similar to an Adobe Photoshop filter.

Essentially, this, as well as many other computer behavior simulations, really just proves how clever the human programmer can be at tricking other humans. It's amazing how ready humans are to personify nonliving things if they resemble living things. Most of us had our first experience in this as toddlers with various stuffed animals. :)
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LOL @ VonSkippy and Gil. That's a link to a site featured on Neatorama 2 weeks ago! (Albiet, that *particular* link is to a specific users city, increaing their industry stat).

But the fish do look like Seaman fish. I wonder is that's where the game creators got the idea.
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@Ursula -
Transgendered people are people too. And I know jokes about them can get tiresome. I'm not one (I'm 'just' a guy who like guys), but I know, and you should know, when you have a lifestyle thats out of the norm, your going to have to put up with some flak from the norm. Unfortunatly, that's human nature.

But it may feel better to think of it this way. It's not the transvestive that's 'naughty', it's the *dishonest* transvestite that is. People don't like to be suprised when it comes to sexuality, plain and simple.
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@ Ruby, Kevin, and XuYu:

We don't hate God OR people who believe. We are annoyed at people who use such things as swords and shields, attacking other's beliefs or taking a superior air. I just gets tiresome. Yeah, that's awesome if you want to believe in something, but don't act like you can't even imagine why everyone doesn't agree with your beliefs.

Also, I'm not an athiest. In fact, i'm a staunch Thiest! I just respect other people's beliefs, and refuse to think my beliefs make me superior in any way.

As for technology... well... i guess if God wanted man to fly.... he would have given him.... a brain to figure out how to do so...
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I want a glowey kitteh!

Yeah, a lot of people are freaked out by things like genetic manipulation and cybornetics, but they thrill me (like the newest on 'input to computers using only thought' technology).

If he gets to be a wookie, i want to be a techno-jedi! Wireless 'write-only' transmitting device that converts thoughts into commands for enabled devices... like, starting your car, altering your lights/temperature in your house, changing the channel, text messaging, playing video games!, etc, all with thought!! Gha!! :D
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5. Welshmen (soppy)

What's 'soppy'? Let's check the internetz! :
sop·py: –adjective, -pi·er, -pi·est. 1. soaked, drenched, or very wet, as ground.
2. rainy, as weather.
3. British Slang. excessively sentimental; mawkish.

SO are they wet, or 'mawkish' ?
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She's used a proper noun! Who's cheating now?!

Seriously, though, i'm going to be unpopular here and say it wasn't boaring, but it was sad. I was hoping for a happier ending, though, like Agnes was his girlfriend from his youth or something.

Oh well.
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