Cluck's Comments

"Cook it in a potful of oil, slather on butter or the fake butter used in many movie theaters, pour on the salt; eat it as "kettle corn" cooked in oil and sugar -- and popcorn can become a nutritional nightmare loaded with fat and calories."

Ok now filing this news under "Food you eat that is healthy, just not in the only way you eat it."
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Honestly I am not sure how CR rates things any more, stopped paying attention after they would always rate the most expensive option as the "best buy". Also got annoyed with the car reviews when I found out how the get the "quality" numbers and when the quick glance charts were obviously created by people not doing the write ups.
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Of course a minor flaw in that is that one does not have to use the metro interface you can just use the more classic desk top version if one so chooses.

And of course this is something new and like Win95/98/ME/XP/Vista/7 I am sure the final version will have a tour one can use.
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A CAP would not really have been required, the radar system on the Nimitz would have easily been able to spot the recon aircraft used to find the carrier making an air assault nearly impossible.

Bombing Tokyo did nothing to bring the Japaneses any closer to suing for peace. Operation Meetinghouse (firebombing of Tokyo) destroyed 25% of the buildings in the city and killed an estimated 100,000, so a bunch of A-6s would have been pointless.

Since carriers carry lots of replacement parts and the specs for the ship dismantling it would have been a waste, same goes for the aircraft. Plus even then they carried a library of technical information, plus highly trained mechanics.

Its most effective use would have been if it would go solo (making even more difficult to find as it wouldn't have all those smoke stacks around) taking out everything that moved between Japan and any of the islands (assisted by the subs that did a great job at this too). This would have left the islands with far less supplied troops, in theory, making them easier to capture.

Of course I am not sure what kind of effect a dozen F-14s buzzing the Imperial Palace would have. Or capturing a few high ranking navy personal and giving them a tour, then dropping them off on main land Japan via a Sea King would have.
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Hershey, PA has a road like that. Amazingly though somebody there did something smart, the speed limit goes from 35 to 25 when you get closer to the school zone, then they have the flashing lights for the times the limit is 15.
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Wonder what the system will do when you use the gesture of "oh crap I was paying too much attention to this thing over here and now I am about to crash".

Personally I think this movement the cars are all making to touch screens is pretty dumb since touch screens require one to look at them to work them properly.
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"I cringe at the synopsis of “World War Z”. I still think the book would make a great TV series or miniseries." I second this. Think an HBO mini series would be the best place for truer to book version.
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In college I had the joy of taking a person to their first super market. The island he grew up on the market was a little smaller than a 7-11. He said he had heard, expected and saw from the outside that they were bigger but nothing really could prepare him. Think that was the first time I had ever walked every isle of a super market.

It was a good thing it was a smaller super market because we spent 2 hours in there just to get some soup and chips. He went back everyday for nearly 3 weeks.
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As a producer and broad story writer I would be ok with it. As a screenplay writer and/or director not at all.

In A New Hope Lucas was still young and would take advise from several of the actors and others involved in the filming. Empire had the least Lucas involvement (and is the best of the series). Return had Lucas return to more hands on with more screenplay work (this shows). Then 3 prequels all had teams of 'yes men/women' to help blow up Lucas's head.

I knew the the prequels were poorly done but after watching these reviews of them I didn't really realize how poorly they were:
(These are NOT safe for kids and they are very long but FAR better than the films)
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DuaneP they fear because they think it hurts. Kids will never develop the skill to field a hard hit ball when all they see are the those soft cover balls, they do not travel at the same speeds. What they need is something that is highly annoying to teach them to field properly, like taking ground balls in front of a thorn bush and then having to get the ones they miss.

Also soccer balls are not really any harder than a standard kick ball and I do not know what you replace a tennis ball with that would work.
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