I flew that plane (1040) more than 20 years ago when we were both stationed in Spokane. It was old then! But I was always told that aircraft was built in 1961...
I saw the original Kermit in a museum somewhere (maybe Atlanta?). Very faded but fascinating. I don't know how many have been made over the years but it was hard for me to imagine there was anything more than just one Kermit. It would be like having multiple Jimmy Stewarts running around.
As a beekeeper, I can tell you this is really no big deal. Honeybees are very docile, especially when they're swarming. The only real amazing thing is to find 50 pounds of bees that want to festoon.
@minnesotastan: You're exactly right. Trees grow wider but they don't push up from the ground. Besides, the car doesn't look like it has been sitting in the tree for 25 years.