This reminds me of the time I caught a mouse in my apartment. I released it out side. Well we had freezing rain that night, when I left for work the next day I found it frozen to the sidewalk in front of my door. it was kind of sad, really.
I think sad rat w/Kanye West is best. I was drinking water while looking at the pictures and about snorted some out my nose when I saw that one. Funny how my spell checker thinks I misspelled Kanye. Oops,there it goes again.
I think all kids should learn the basics without the use of any electronic tools. That includes cursive writing, spelling, proper use of grammar, and arithmetic. Without the basics how can you master the more advanced technology. Of course, as I was typing this, the spell checker corrected a couple of my words. So what, I'm not perfect. I learned the basics , not mastered them.
I grew up in Cedar Rapids, IA. It is a low crime town with plenty to do. Who needs a car when you can ride a bike all over the place. On a good day, it would take less than an hour to bike from one side of town to the other.
Enclosed please find one genetically altered squirrel with no tail. This should solve your dilemma. Be careful, she is pregnant and due any day. Also, please feed her, she has had a long trip. She likes nuts like you.
@Johnny Cat - My first reaction was Capricorn One, but that was with James Brolin. The only thing I know of with Sam Neill was a TV Mini-Series called Space.
Enclosed please find one genetically altered squirrel with no tail. This should solve your dilemma. Be careful, she is pregnant and due any day. Also, please feed her, she has had a long trip. She likes nuts like you.
Yous very truly,