hahahaha. Yes all those powerful libbers who forced all those rich connected people to give out loans to..what did Neil Cavuto say? oh yes, 'African Americans and other high risk people'. It wasn't the lessening of oversight that did it, it was holding a knife to the necks of all those tight belted CEOs.
The 'say goodbye' game is too easy. Say goodbye to practically everyone. As long as people are told they need to know this stuff and can access the study materials it'd be fine..if they don't there's no way they'd pass. I wouldn't that's for sure..and if I study it and pass I'd forget the answers within a few years.
Also, besides the test you actually have to qualify to take it in the first place and that's even harder. A simple flow chart to see if you qualify:
Yes, let's ignore the fact that she knows so little about what she needs to to be in the White House. Go straight to the interview and listen to her explain away her quote..it's not about her being able to practically see Russia from somewhere in Alaska, it's that she thinks close maritime borders make her at all experienced on foreign policy concerning Putin (more than no experience would be too much to claim). He flies into their airspace, therefore she knows what it's like to deal with them..this is exactly what she meant when given the scripted chance to explain her oft quoted gaffe. How do you take out of context her explanation of something she claims was taken out of context when it's a recorded and scripted response?
Considering the fact that McCain is treating her like an idiot, not letting people even talk to her and asking for shorter time limits on her one and only debate Thursday I don't think it's unfair that people are analyzing the very few words they've been given from her camp. She's the odd inexperienced duck in this race, it used to be Obama's lack of experience that plagued the scene, now there's no question about who the obvious target is. It's not unfair, it's smart and it's been done in every Presidential election.
I got the sense that Pelosi's dumb horrible speech before the vote got Republicans in a tizzy for her cheap partisan shots at them that they bitterly decided to vote it down lest they vote for something that was proceeded with a spanking.
Wow, Jean is so wrong in so many ways. Palin is clearly not a threat anymore now that the shock has worn off. She's unprepared and actually dumb, anytime she's allowed to open her mouth she says the most inane things (see latest interview). 'generally speaking it’s governors that are elected President, not Senators...She’s the VP, not the top of the ticket.' Nice argument there.
Also, ACORN is a welfare-type organization, a far cry from being part of the Keating Five. From Malkin's site, an extremely far-right blog,
'He cut his ideological teeth working with ACORN as a “community organizer” and legal representative. Naturally, ACORN’s political action committee has warmly endorsed his presidential candidacy. According to ACORN, Obama trained its Chicago members in leadership seminars; in turn, ACORN volunteers worked on his campaigns. Obama also sat on the boards of the Woods Fund and Joyce Foundation, both of which poured money into ACORN’s coffers.' Yeah, huge scandal! Huge payoff, he got volunteers!
So even if we're going to assume ACORN is a commie evil org, how much of that bailout is supposed to go to ACORN (Let's ignore that all those banks are Republican allies)? None: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/09/27/politics/politico/thecrypt/main4483168.shtml
The idea that the bailout is to ensure the bank customers won't get screwed is laughable. That 20k you just lost in savings is not an 'asset' the government is going to be buying up for a future profit. That Golden Parachute that's limited to tens of millions isn't going to be limited so that money goes to the small people either. This is all effed up and it's amazing McCain isn't getting spit on everywhere he goes for his role in it all throughout our recent financial loosening history.
Isn't unusual disregard for animals a sign of sociopathic tendencies? Should we be looking in Miss C's crawlspace? Love for animals in no way suggests lack of love for fellow human beings. Bizarre.
Anyway, I'm a realist so chances are that just skipped decades of building resentment ending in divorce and got together after the kids got out and responsibilities faded away.
Also, besides the test you actually have to qualify to take it in the first place and that's even harder. A simple flow chart to see if you qualify:
Considering the fact that McCain is treating her like an idiot, not letting people even talk to her and asking for shorter time limits on her one and only debate Thursday I don't think it's unfair that people are analyzing the very few words they've been given from her camp. She's the odd inexperienced duck in this race, it used to be Obama's lack of experience that plagued the scene, now there's no question about who the obvious target is. It's not unfair, it's smart and it's been done in every Presidential election.
Also, ACORN is a welfare-type organization, a far cry from being part of the Keating Five. From Malkin's site, an extremely far-right blog,
'He cut his ideological teeth working with ACORN as a “community organizer” and legal representative. Naturally, ACORN’s political action committee has warmly endorsed his presidential candidacy. According to ACORN, Obama trained its Chicago members in leadership seminars; in turn, ACORN volunteers worked on his campaigns. Obama also sat on the boards of the Woods Fund and Joyce Foundation, both of which poured money into ACORN’s coffers.' Yeah, huge scandal! Huge payoff, he got volunteers!
So even if we're going to assume ACORN is a commie evil org, how much of that bailout is supposed to go to ACORN (Let's ignore that all those banks are Republican allies)? None: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/09/27/politics/politico/thecrypt/main4483168.shtml
Anyway, I'm a realist so chances are that just skipped decades of building resentment ending in divorce and got together after the kids got out and responsibilities faded away.