I've never been corrected at Starbucks and I doubt they'd want to hurt their image by enforcing that. I do agree with a previous commenter that renaming sizes confuses people into not realizing how much they're paying for a cup.
In my opinion though it's better than places that refuse to call anything small..starting with medium..where employees have actually asked me what I meant by 'small' or replying with 'medium? we have medium, large and extra large'. Now that is one of the most annoying marketing decisions ever.
Wow y'all..he constantly says he is a jerk (not in those exact words) and illustrates that his project was ludicrous at the very beginning with the squash game. Loosen up and get what he's trying to say. He has a child, I mean..obviously it was going to fail but he did it as an experiment with himself..to show himself how ridiculous it is at times to be tight when you have a family and a social life. His expenditures aren't large..he isn't someone who is an average consumer.
This was funny, quick and awesome. Relatedly, I definitely go weeks without actively spending money on anything besides bulk food.
That kid's voice..repeating the same thing in his pubescent authoritarian style..so annoying. While I tend not to devalue electronics like that and would have definitely taken it away. I admire her taking it in her own hands so to speak..must have been a final straw if that's the way he regularly acted. I bet that kid's beyond upset he lost all his angst poetry.
It's been running this scam for years and most people do know it's a scam..not only to pay that much for contact with other people but the whole 'someone sent you a message' thing. Even not knowing their scammy history I knew it wasn't right. I kept getting these notices until I finally found my way to the part where I could unregister. I've heard of many complaints that even after paying members unregister after being scammed that their cards would continue to be charged. Frivolous maybe but it would be great if some judge decided to ban classmates.com from lying since they've been functioning like that for too long.
Yes! I posted this a few days ago and am glad she's becoming an internet sensation. I was mostly impressed with her grasp of the many different verb tenses and the reflective verbs as well. And her accent..mini-gargle!
Yeah, they won't be able to sue them because they won't be able to be injured and they can work longer shifts because it's not as physically difficult and the extra money made is then...ok I give up. Please make your argument against this make sense.
Anyway, all I could think was: Jewel's Boot Is Made For Walking.
An article about photographing divorce is interesting but it lacks the important part..the photos. Unless, no one is actually interested. It's an important period but rarely ever not depressing enough to record.
Not sure if I'm understanding it right but isn't water a non-renewable resource? If we produced energy like this for the masses we'd be evaporating our water supply like crazy right? Not sure how much water we have relative to how much we'd use but like oil we'd run out eventually..but maybe the timeline is like a million years? Any experts around? I'm really interested in how to convert energy from the sun into energy to use directly, e.g. solar power..that's renewable until the sun explodes.
Also, it's pretty amazing to see how far the socialist branding of Obama by the Republicans has been accepted. Do you understand his tax plan? Do you realize how taxes work? Do you realize McCain will be taxing us as well and give even bigger cuts to companies? Companies, not people. We've been redistributing wealth since forever..it's called Social Security, providing food for those who have been looking for and not finding work (hello recession). If you go to church, are you against it setting up shelters for the homeless or holding food drives? Are you ashamed our country does that? That people come here to work because they know they'll be helped and allowed to until they get their bearings after leaving a less desirable country? Spreading the opportunity is why I'm proud to be from here.
Taxes make the country run, they pay politicians' salaries, they build energy infrastructures, they give people a chance who weren't born into it..and by the way, welfare isn't a way to live life, it's not income you can live off of alone. Being on welfare doesn't make someone happy, let along rich.
In my opinion though it's better than places that refuse to call anything small..starting with medium..where employees have actually asked me what I meant by 'small' or replying with 'medium? we have medium, large and extra large'. Now that is one of the most annoying marketing decisions ever.
This was funny, quick and awesome. Relatedly, I definitely go weeks without actively spending money on anything besides bulk food.
i remember escaping into my viewmaster and the forest scene from snow white..and i remember how quiet it felt.
Anyway, all I could think was: Jewel's Boot Is Made For Walking.
Taxes make the country run, they pay politicians' salaries, they build energy infrastructures, they give people a chance who weren't born into it..and by the way, welfare isn't a way to live life, it's not income you can live off of alone. Being on welfare doesn't make someone happy, let along rich.