I have to agree with Mike S, if there is a space in there it is a phrase, not a word. Web 2.0, Cloud Computing, Carbon Neutral, Slow Food, all most definitely phrases as opposed to words, and none of the words contained within those phrases are new. I'm shocked at how much attention GLM have managed to drum up with this none-news. I refuse to acknowledge that a word is part of the ENGLISH language because an AMERICAN company deigns to tell me it is so. Unless it's in the Oxford English Dictionary, it doesn't count on my Scrabble board
That's not a tightrope, it's known as a slackline, usually comprised of a length of 1" Webbing, tied on to trees or posts and pulled tight, some climber friends of mine got me hooked a few years back, they all do it to improve their balance, the few things you need to make one can be obtained from any good climbing shop (10-15 metres 1" webbing, 3 carabiners, 2 slings and good balance are all you need)
I'm shocked at how much attention GLM have managed to drum up with this none-news. I refuse to acknowledge that a word is part of the ENGLISH language because an AMERICAN company deigns to tell me it is so. Unless it's in the Oxford English Dictionary, it doesn't count on my Scrabble board
Y'all can bow to the neuroscientist now :p