“Throw out traditional morality for an ethic of libertinism and you get men being what biology has programmed them to be. In this way, feminism, whatever its benefits for women, has hurt them.”
Wow. What a crock of bull.
And it always goes back to the "Won't someone think of the children?!" argument. My father died when I was 9 and my younger years probably would have been better off without him. How could being raised by a hard working mother and grandmother doing the best job they could be wrong? Better to include an abusive, perverted, womanizing father figure? Excellent. I guess I'll go marry the first rich guy I see and spend my life in servitude to a man I will probably never love and raise kids I will probably care nothing about since that is what I "should" be doing according to that old fashioned mentality... Or, I could lead a fulfilling life, shared with a partner of my choice (with or without a piece of useless paper legally binding us together) and perhaps raising children if we so choose. Which sounds more enjoyable? Also, for the record, I am in a long term heterosexual relationship. I'm just tired of the "when are you two getting hitched/having kids" conversations I have every day. (We don't want to do either, thank you very much.)
Wow. What a crock of bull.
And it always goes back to the "Won't someone think of the children?!" argument. My father died when I was 9 and my younger years probably would have been better off without him. How could being raised by a hard working mother and grandmother doing the best job they could be wrong? Better to include an abusive, perverted, womanizing father figure? Excellent. I guess I'll go marry the first rich guy I see and spend my life in servitude to a man I will probably never love and raise kids I will probably care nothing about since that is what I "should" be doing according to that old fashioned mentality... Or, I could lead a fulfilling life, shared with a partner of my choice (with or without a piece of useless paper legally binding us together) and perhaps raising children if we so choose. Which sounds more enjoyable? Also, for the record, I am in a long term heterosexual relationship. I'm just tired of the "when are you two getting hitched/having kids" conversations I have every day. (We don't want to do either, thank you very much.)