I remember seeing this back in the 90's or so as a way to defeat sonar. The bubbles created a sort of static that on sonar sounded like waves on the surface. A sonar ping would not bounce too well off of the bubbles. It gets thrown around. From what I remember reading the idea never really went anywhere because producing the bubbles in such a way that the entire hull was covered was very hard and the ocean did not treat the equipment very well. It would have been a nightmare to maintain. So 20 years later they may have better technology to do this.
I love this. I am way more impressed by someone building something like this than I would be with a person taking pictures with a fancy digital camera and blowing them up.
George Lucas is owned by Hasbro and video game companies now. Any new Star Wars movie he makes now would have several frivilous characters and ships added to boost the number of toys they churn out. The movie would also be loaded with various scenes that are added just so they can translate to levels of game play for Playstation or XBox.
Star Wars: A New Hope, was made without concerns like these. Yes, the franchise rights made a ton of money but the movie was made without having to create special characters or scenes that would lead to more toys or video games. Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back started to see this kind of treatment but it was still minor. George Lucas had a bit more money to make this film as well. I believe this is one reason why Empire Strikes Back is generally accepted as the best of the movies. Then Return of the Jedi brought us Ewoks. The dark side won.
This looks like the turtle was in a plastic bin for temporary holding and not something permanent. You would see a zoo do this if you worked behind the scenes. If the normal habitat was being fixed or for a quick repair then the turtle was moved to a bin like this. It is clean and can be easily cleaned. It is large enough to hold him but there is nothing dangerous in there for him to hurt himself. He can be easily and safely moved around. If the turtle lived in that bin then the inside of it would be one of the most filthy things you ever saw. I do not think this bin is where the turtle is normally kept.
While I would love to see a Voltron movie I just don't trust Hollywood to do it right. They would take the script from Transformers and find every line for Optimus Prime and change it to Voltron and call it a day. A part of me wants to see a Voltron movie but another part fears it would be done so badly that it scars yet another childhood memory.
I grew up in the country and went up against many yellowjacket nets wearing shorts and a T-shirt. I specialized in catching the entire nest alive in a jar. Takes a special breed of insanity to do it but you can catch a whole nest of yellow jackets with a simple jar. I have been stung by yellowjackets but never while trying to catch them. Now, if you just wanted to kill the nest then take a handful of sevin dust and throw into the nest and get away quickly. That is how took car of large nests in the barn or nests that were in some hard to reach place like inside a cabinet in the tool shop or something like that.
Not a water moccasin. Looks more like a bull snake to me. Non-venomous. I saw this when it first hit the news and there was no mention of it being a water moccasin. They guy was getting a ton of flak from people who want to know why he did not pull over and let the snake get off of the the vehicle. I am thinking he is now trying to say it was a venomous snake and he feared for his family. Even if it was venomous, he could have pulled over and let the snake off. I mean, they had time to pull out a camera and start filming it. It was not like this happened in a matter of seconds and he did not have time to react. I have a feeling this was a guy who felt a little macho by letting the snake die.
Most people who preach creationism would completely freak out if creationism was properly taught in a science classroom. A teacher who taught proper science and scientific method would start to take creationism apart and show the underlying principles and then show how they are not based on anything other than some stories. There is no evidence to support it. The teacher would then go after those stories and show that they do not qualify as evidence because their source is very flawed. On top of that, there are conflicting creationism stories. The science teacher could actually bring a bible in the classroom and start to dissect it and show its logic flaws and errors to show how this document cannot be relied upon to support science. The bible is supposed to be evidence in this creationism thing and if creationism is taught then the bible becomes fair game for open criticism in a science classroom.
In the end, this is not a scientific theory and it should not be taught. It has never gone thru any of the validation or peer review that evolution or any of the other scientific theories have gone thru. When someone puts together their data and presentation and does the millions and millions of scientific work that evolution has behind it and that gets thru peer review then maybe creationism can be taught. I highly doubt this will ever happen though because I have yet to see one piece of scientific data that supports creationism.
Reminds me about a conspiracy theory I heard about the Anarchist's Handbook one time. The original book that came out in like the 70's had some recipes in it that would not work. There were some of the explosive recipes that would be extremely dangerous to try to do. Some made products that were so unstable that safe handling was almost impossible and you were pretty much guaranteed to blow yourself up if you tried it. The conspiracy theory I had heard was that the U.S. government was behind the book. The wrote it and made it known so anyone who wanted to do harm would take themselves out of the playing field. Of course, if you read about the history of the book you find that the odds of this conspiracy theory being true are pretty low.
I was just about to write that same thing Will L. GM executives worked hard to insulate themselves from the actual workers. Special elevators, special parking places, offices far away from anyone who actually did any work. In the end, the executives were totally disconnected from the reality of the business. They were relying on reports on what was going on in the company rather than seeing what was going on for themselves. In the end they were making very uninformed decisions.
Every now and then you hear about someone who claims to have an energy from water break thru. Of course, they never reveal exactly how their invention works. They usually claim that they are afraid someone will steal their idea. There is usually no patent and if there is one it is for something that is just a component of the whole system that they claim creates the energy. The next part is where they ask for investors to help them get their idea to market. This is very similar to the people who make the perpetual motion machine claims.
You can get hydrogen and oxygen from water but you need a lot of energy to do so. There is some wasted energy in this process so you will need more energy than what you can get from recombining the two elements. Also, even the best fuel cell has inefficiency in it so you will not get the full amount of energy from it. It is like buying $5 bills for $10 apiece. You might be able to make it look like you are getting money for nothing if you present it just right but in reality you are going broke.
Star Wars: A New Hope, was made without concerns like these. Yes, the franchise rights made a ton of money but the movie was made without having to create special characters or scenes that would lead to more toys or video games. Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back started to see this kind of treatment but it was still minor. George Lucas had a bit more money to make this film as well. I believe this is one reason why Empire Strikes Back is generally accepted as the best of the movies. Then Return of the Jedi brought us Ewoks. The dark side won.
In the end, this is not a scientific theory and it should not be taught. It has never gone thru any of the validation or peer review that evolution or any of the other scientific theories have gone thru. When someone puts together their data and presentation and does the millions and millions of scientific work that evolution has behind it and that gets thru peer review then maybe creationism can be taught. I highly doubt this will ever happen though because I have yet to see one piece of scientific data that supports creationism.
You can get hydrogen and oxygen from water but you need a lot of energy to do so. There is some wasted energy in this process so you will need more energy than what you can get from recombining the two elements. Also, even the best fuel cell has inefficiency in it so you will not get the full amount of energy from it. It is like buying $5 bills for $10 apiece. You might be able to make it look like you are getting money for nothing if you present it just right but in reality you are going broke.