Whether or not you think humans cause global warming, or that it even exists, no one can deny that we have an impact on the environment. All you have to do is look at the deforestation of Brazil or our own Northwest to see with your own eyes the devastation that humans can bring on. Look at how many species humans have hunted to extinction, or brought back from the brink. 6 billion people cannot live and consume without having some impact on their surroundings. It's simply common sense.
The point is, we have influence. Why not do good things with it? What's wrong with not polluting? What's wrong with saving habitat? What's wrong with efficient energy? What's wrong with wanting clean water and air? Who cares if it affects global temperature? Are people just angry because they don't want to feel like they're being blamed for messing the world up? Grow up, and do the right thing simply because it IS the right thing!
But my point is, what's wrong with something that makes it easier for some people? I can't believe people criticize this. Who cares? If you don't like it, don't buy it!
I worked with blind people, and some of these comments are a little short-sighted. (no pun)
1. Yes, the technique most use is to put their finger in the glass or cup, and feel the liquid. OK, one person says it's a little hot. Well, what about boiling water for tea? That's real hot! And what if you have a guest, or a date? You think they want your finger in their drink?
2. Many people who are blind have other problems as well. Blindness that is caused by a brain issue, such as a premature birth where the cortex may not fully be developed, often leads to other issues, from motor problems to cerebral palsy to perception issues. A person with blindness and motor trouble may not be able to do the finger techniqe at all!
3. A common misperception, as stated by Lasse, is that blind people compensate with their other senses. This is a myth. They may concentrate on their other senses, but blindness does not magically make your hearing stronger. You may be more sensitive, but your ears work the same as any other person! And again, many blind folks have other issues.
Ultimately, I applaud anything that makes something easier for a person to do everyday things the rest of us take for granted. It's not over-engineering, is compassionate engineering!
"It’s all about the heart, and Wolper’s version has that in spades. It’s also far more menacing in a much more subversive way, which preserves Dahl’s intent in a completely different and completely complementary way."
NO ONE HAS MENTIONED THE SONGS! I'm a huge Elfman fan, but those songs were un-likeable, un-rememberable, had no heart, no humor, simply AWFUL.
The new vs. old Oompa-loompas argument is a wash. BOTH versions are creepy.
This exhibit is worth seeing, if you're in Boston. It's amazing the amount of skill and patience that went into making the pieces. And it's quite a large collection. Really incredible.
I get so tired of badly shot, badly lit, badly acted, badly directed short films getting passed off as artful. I understand low budget. Having no money doesn't mean you can't do these things well. Sorry, Neatorama, but this one doesn't cut it.
Anyway, I went to that art show, and saw this piece. I've seen tons of art pieces and installations, and this was one of the coolest and most creative I've ever seen. It was really huge, and the types of patterns kept changing. You could see it from a long way off. There were 6 or 8 microphones set up, which, every once in a while make visible sound waves on the display, which is why the people are yelling so much. The video can't really do it justice. It was mesmerizing (and I was sober!).
The point is, we have influence. Why not do good things with it? What's wrong with not polluting? What's wrong with saving habitat? What's wrong with efficient energy? What's wrong with wanting clean water and air? Who cares if it affects global temperature? Are people just angry because they don't want to feel like they're being blamed for messing the world up? Grow up, and do the right thing simply because it IS the right thing!
1. Yes, the technique most use is to put their finger in the glass or cup, and feel the liquid. OK, one person says it's a little hot. Well, what about boiling water for tea? That's real hot! And what if you have a guest, or a date? You think they want your finger in their drink?
2. Many people who are blind have other problems as well. Blindness that is caused by a brain issue, such as a premature birth where the cortex may not fully be developed, often leads to other issues, from motor problems to cerebral palsy to perception issues. A person with blindness and motor trouble may not be able to do the finger techniqe at all!
3. A common misperception, as stated by Lasse, is that blind people compensate with their other senses. This is a myth. They may concentrate on their other senses, but blindness does not magically make your hearing stronger. You may be more sensitive, but your ears work the same as any other person! And again, many blind folks have other issues.
Ultimately, I applaud anything that makes something easier for a person to do everyday things the rest of us take for granted. It's not over-engineering, is compassionate engineering!
NO ONE HAS MENTIONED THE SONGS! I'm a huge Elfman fan, but those songs were un-likeable, un-rememberable, had no heart, no humor, simply AWFUL.
The new vs. old Oompa-loompas argument is a wash. BOTH versions are creepy.
Anyway, I went to that art show, and saw this piece. I've seen tons of art pieces and installations, and this was one of the coolest and most creative I've ever seen. It was really huge, and the types of patterns kept changing. You could see it from a long way off. There were 6 or 8 microphones set up, which, every once in a while make visible sound waves on the display, which is why the people are yelling so much. The video can't really do it justice. It was mesmerizing (and I was sober!).