The Slapster's Comments

Gah! I'm sitting on the floor in front of my couch cruising Neatorama. Because the CAT has taken over my spot! Freaky, disturbing and slightly embarrassing.

/cue the cat haters in 3...2...
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@sigh: Sure! Just be sure to boycott every other thing you'd normally buy if it's made in China too. Have fun, living in that cardboard box on the corner. As long as the box wasn't made in China too.
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I can't be the only one reading this, thinking "Shouldn't ALL children be kept in cages" am I? You just can't trust 'em to run around in public all willy-nilly. And don't even get me started on the hygiene issues!
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I think I recall reading about that a few years back, in Wired maybe. Pretty insane stuff. I guess no matter how bad we screw up the planet, life will prevail. Just not - us.
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@ted & the other Whiners: See, that's where the internet really IS like TeeVee. Don't like it? Don't click the damned link, and don't assume your opinion is any more interesting than the story or web page in question. How cool!
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"Human beings “procreate;” spouses cooperate with God (who creates an immortal soul) to bring into being a new human being at conception."
Yeah, maybe YOUR god. But please - don't drag your belief system into my frequent occurence of good old hibbity bibbity.
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  • Member Since 2012/08/04



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