The Slapster's Comments

Agreed, did somebody just discover the entire pack of Annoying Photoshop Filters over there at the NYT? Yikes.

Ah, I see the offending party is credited at the end:

To use one of their cleverly over-used meme words: Fail.
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I like to see all of the safety freaks get as worked up as the next person, but are these even for sale? They look like concept pieces, but I'd buy a couple if I could find an online store selling them!
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@Johnny - Now THAT is funny! We have one beast who showed up on our deck one snowy winter and we had no intentions of keeping him. We had 2 cats in a rented townhouse already, but he somehow gained permanent residence - and has always kept his temporary name. III.
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@Aaron: That shooting wasn't related to a shopping argument, just a good old fashioned shoot-out over an argument their spouses started with each other. Thank goodness the holiday spirit remains intact for that community eh?
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@hello: Banned?

And really, if you feel the need to blow $40 suck down warm beer from a pouch strapped to your mid-section, just stick to getting hammered in the parking lot first.
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Any kid that came to our door with a pillowcase (the ones that were WAY too old to trick-or-treating in the first place) got a lot less than the little kids. Pillowcase = greed imo.
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Miss C: I'd cry more for ANY animal than I would for you or any of your poorly-raised spawn. You're a pretty sad example of "humanity" and I for one am ashamed to share even a single piece of DNA with the likes of you.

/trollfeeding off
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