its never a good idea to plug something that draws more than 500mA directly into a USB port on the board. If you are going to use one of these, use a powered USB hub between the device and your PC.
The wool gloves aren't bad, but I'd go for a cup warmer myself.
For all the Socialist comments, please, please read up.
You don't know what you are talking about and I'm pretty sure you are just inciting a red-scare 2.0. Please understand that socialism is not communism and try to stop living in a 1950s McArthyist America.
If you cant even understand basic democracy, then perhaps socialism is a bit over your head.
The wool gloves aren't bad, but I'd go for a cup warmer myself.
I've made this one before. it works just fine. I think you were more looking for "skeptical" rather than "cynical."
That just made my day.
You don't know what you are talking about and I'm pretty sure you are just inciting a red-scare 2.0. Please understand that socialism is not communism and try to stop living in a 1950s McArthyist America.
If you cant even understand basic democracy, then perhaps socialism is a bit over your head.
this is like Uchronia in the sky.. without the amazing parties till dawn of course..
Rather warm too. Need this for those cold Black Rock Desert nights ;)