Destruction of the laptop was probably not the most mature way to handle a bratty teenager but damn it's funny. I like how that kid books it as soon as his mom looks at him.
I don't know about the rest of you all, but for the most part it seems like the "beautified" faces just mooshed the features closer to the center of the face and lengthened the distances between the nose and mouth and that the result kind of looked like their faces had been squashed in a vise while leaving the head intact, and that the originals looked a hell of a lot better. All the faces seemed too small and Michael Cera ended up looking like some freakish cave troll with tiny eyeballs.
I have NoScript that blocks flash and ads unless I allow it. The surprise wasn't ruined though, since I chose to allow YouTube permanently a while back. For a second I thought that maybe my sleeping pills hadn't worn off all the way yet...
There's nothing wrong with political discussion, even if sometimes it gets out of hand. However, I do agree with the decision to delete vitriolic or off-topic comments. It seems stupid to click on a link with a video of a friendly deer and rabbit or something else that really shouldn't spark any kind of argument and finding that within four comments it degenerated into a flame war about Palin.
Only on Neatorama can a video of a bunny and a deer frolicking turn into an angry political flame war. Good gravy. Love your posts, Neatorama, but won't somebody please do something about off-topic comments? I mean, remember the "Interesting things about water" post and within ten comments it turned into a huge argument about how everyone was stupid and each comment was several paragraphs long? I mean, God, even my comment is off-topic.
I don't know about NY water, but the tap water in Portland, OR is so good that old-school Portlanders laugh at people buying bottled water. It comes from the Bull Run Reservoir which is a natural watershed, and the filtering and chlorination is very minimal. It tastes sweet like rainwater. Sorry, I'm kind of reminiscing here; just moved to a state with kind of gross water-tower water.
I have the kind of insomnia that is directly related to playing the free Spore Creature Creator trial version. It's called "Insomnia Can'tStopMakingSixLeggedCrocodiles."
It's also a good way to socialize an animal without invading their space before they feel comfortable. Animals find it soothing when you talk to them in a steady calm voice and are more likely to respond positively to an approach. Plus, little kids are sometimes nervous about reading out loud to people, especially if they are struggling readers. Beneficial for all!
What a sad, sick theory you must have formulated in your godless void of atheism. I suppose you think it's funny to make a mockery of the head dragons? Even though he is neglected and ignored, your floating head dragon loves you and will only show himself after you have dug the elves out of your ear and stepped on him.
The title is a little misleading, since it is an "opt-in" sort of thing. I can sort of see the benefit if someone can't go to the doctor to get their kids' BMI measured, I guess. But I have to agree with most of the above comments that a lot of the time parents have a pretty good idea whether their kid is fat or not... also, a lot of kids are chubby in elementary and middle school, especially if they are particularly stout and barrel-chested or if they are due for a serious growth spurt in later years. I have a friend who was chubby all over in middle school, but right around his sophomore year he suddenly shot up to 6 foot 8. Just sayin'.
Whee! Bunny! Deer! Boo eagle!
Jar Jar is rising out of my food! It's the end times!
What a sad, sick theory you must have formulated in your godless void of atheism. I suppose you think it's funny to make a mockery of the head dragons? Even though he is neglected and ignored, your floating head dragon loves you and will only show himself after you have dug the elves out of your ear and stepped on him.