dncucf's Comments

When you add decimals together, you must start with the right most place value. In repeating decimals, there is no right most value, so the best that you can do is truncate and estimate. So .999... is NOT an exact value. You must convert to fractions to find the exact value.
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To quote Jamie from Mythbusters "When in doubt: C-4". Duh. I find it fixes most of my problems around the house.

or Phil Hartman from SNL playing Frankenstein's Monster "Fire - Burn".

Large: I love math (3-d graph)
OR Mmmm Pie
OR "Busted"
I'm not picky.
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I agree with Shadowfirebird on the difficulty of leaving comments, and Lucky on the difficulty of searching for a previous post.

I also like the "Front Page" philosophy. Being a Neot-O-holic (hello, my name is dncucf, and I am a neat-o-holic), if the articles were presented as links, I would just click every link, but the scrolling does get annoying if I later want to share the link with a friend. My local TV station (http://www.clickorlando.com/index.html)has their website set up so that the articles are links, but if you put your cursor over the link, a blurb of the article pops up with a picture. The blurb is not as big as the descriptions provided by Neat-o-rama, but maybe something could be done about it. That way, I could easily see what each neat article is about, without all the scrolling OR clicking. I could click only if I really wanted more info.

Or have a front page that gives you a choice of which format you want.
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Call me weird, but I enjoy the experience of my coffee to start off hot until it gets to room temperature. People have thrown out my cups thinking that I was done when I wasn't. I do the same thing with tea and other beverages. Sometimes it can take over an hour to drink something.
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So what does tradition say about a bouquet that is not caught, but is instead sucked into the engine of a plane? Will none of the women get married? Will the marriage end in a divorce? It makes worrying about a ceiling fan seem pitiful.
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seekshelter - That was a terrible, terrible thing to do to your sister. I wish I had one to do the same thing to.

What about "Big Face Girl" from Wings?
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Vandalism is just one of the mediums that he/she is using for his/her art. Or maybe it would be more appropriate to say that vandalism is one of his/hers techniques. The expression or statement the artist is trying to make would not be the same if the material was gained in any other fashion (bought or donated).
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Another neat/weird/sacrilegious fact about the ‘Gilligan’ theame song: it is possible to substitue the words to ‘Amazing Grace’into the tune for 'Gilligan's Island'. It freaks me out when my mom does it.
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This is perfect for the cat lover too! No more will cats demolish a good game. (or kids, or dogs, or anything else mischievous.)

Beautiful craftsmanship too.
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