dancinbojangles's Comments

I feel like Star would probably win, due to his ability to take more punishment. How many anchors did Picard have dropped on his head?

As for the patriarchy, I don't really get mad about it. The problem I have with the concept, though, is that it's framed as something that men did in order to benefit all men at the expense of all women, which isn't really true. That's not to say it wasn't a crappy system, and it sure as hell doesn't work in the modern day, but blaming men for it is ignoring the fact that it sucked just as much for men, by and large.
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@afghan: Yes, even controlling for accidental death, male lifespans are still shorter on average; failing to control for that would make any study on senescence useless. However, I was given to understand that it was due to higher average testosterone levels in men, since castration practically eliminates the life expectancy gap. Castration could hardly eliminate harmful mitochondrial mutations though, which leads me to be skeptical about this theory.
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Does anyone else get a strange visual effect when viewing high-framerate video? I've only experienced it on TVs, but it's almost like the moving object is cut out of the background and being manipulated like a paper doll or claymation figure. I'm worried about this translating to the theater, but not entirely sure what it actually is.
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I really disliked this article. If someone's sick and doesn't want to be comforted, whatever, but don't put the onus on the comforter to navigate the minefield of potential offense which might change moment to moment and varies wildly between individuals. The point I got really was "don't say anything, shut up, you're stupid." Mean-spirited, not at all helpful, and made insulting by the ending caveats which boil down to "Don't feel bad if you say the wrong things, it's just because you're stupid and insensitive."
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I don't think this is even up for consideration for the Americans reading. First of all, locking someone up because he MIGHT be three degrees of separation away from a crime? Ridiculous! Second, the father might have had a legal gun. Third, how the hell many guns do we see daily in media? Come on people. The gestapo approach never got anyone anywhere, especially toward a safer society.

I own guns, and plan not only to show them to my children later in life, but to teach them how to use, store and care for them properly, when to use them, and why we have the right to own them. These are important lessons in both safety and morality, and should keep children from developing a fascination with the forbidden when it comes to weapons.
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Let's face it: The whole system is weighed down by these programs, and their adherents are weighed down by the fraudulent idea that any college degree guarantees them a job! Not only is a highly specialized degree not necessary to become a great activist or artist, it is extremely unlikely even WITH a highly specialized degree. Short of cutting these programs out entirely (which I don't think is a terrible idea), students who choose them should at least receive training in skilled labor trades. Don't tell me that an art student couldn't learn to weld, welding is easy.
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I actually used to live right near that very pond/stream. It's disgusting, like 99% duck feces. Definitely not the kind of place you'd want to be swimming, much less tangled in a hammock.
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I can definitely sympathize. My frenulum is really tight, and makes it difficult to speak Japanese without an American accent. My brother actually had the same operation due to an English speech impediment, and based on his experience I don't think it's at all an unreasonable step to take.
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Actually, they launched a payload into space back in 2009 with a Falcon 1 rocket. The real news here is that this payload was a human-rated capsule, and that it re-entered the atmosphere, splashing back down after orbiting. Truly a huge step for the private space industry, and egg in the face of all those that said phasing out the space shuttle would mean the end of the US space program.
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