Mary's Comments
Ah! That would go nicely in my castle's dinning room.
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I agree with Ivan. Even the moving avatars on live-journal annoy me... or any flashing advertisement. Not to mention it slows everything down when on dial up. BAH!
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that is sooo cool. Except that you can't choose your color except by adjusting temperature. :( I want to bathe in purple water! :) hehe takes colour therapy to a new level.
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WOT!??!! Like eating a tin of 50yo chicken is the epitome of romance? How stupid! bah.
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what's a BOFH?
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This was a CSI episode where the lady got shot and died.
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Unfortunatley the average American is as wide as that car.
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Oh YAY! I can FINALLY pee my name in the snow!
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why is it such a mystery? one watermellon has almost 100 seeds. The flood smashed some melons and the flood waters deposited seeds everywhere. so the bees polinated the waternelon flowers, that's what bees DO. OHMYGODS!!!!! FOOD is growing! sigh.
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now if I can just expand the magnetic feild of my hand I can levitate the remote over here....
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awww... wasn't there a Bible verse about *the hippo shall lie with the tortoise*? ;)
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That's ingenious! & here I was, settling for 2-60 AC: I roll down the 2 windows and drive 60mph.
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soon to be shipped nation wide... I bet those things are filled with nasty toxins. Remember how they were saying the standing water was polluted with gas and oil & crap? mmmm, good eats.
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I'd rather live here,_Austria,_Austria
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it's easy to see who runs things in that house. Poor kids growing up with a Dad who won't assert his authority and MAKE the kids sleep in their own beds... *go ask your mother*... but then maybe it's a ploy on the wife's part to not have sex with her husband?