I find that thing quite disturbing, and I wear a disembodied human heart for jewelry. I can comfort myself knowing I managed to get myself banned from donating for three year this summer, I suppose. Nobody wants my blood.
The funny thing is that every other similar sign on campus is held on by only four bolts. I don't even know if it's possible to steal the sign now- it's got something like 24 rounded bolts holding it into the brick. I have been assured this security was not pre-emptive, but "lesson learned". Perhaps I should have titled it "PREVIOUSLY the most stolen sign on campus"
"Ridge-riding" confuses me. I don't know about you guys, but our water-filled ruts tend to be all over the place, not just in the center of the road. Dodging them requires not so much sticking to the outside of the road as dodging all over like you're playing Mariokart.
Of course, that could be a testament to a) my city's not-so-impressive roads, b) my not-so-impressive Mariokart skills or c) both.
As a girl proud of her geekness, I've been wanting to make a Flash hoodie for myself for ages. Haven't found the right color of red in the thrift store yet, though (I like reusing). Some day.
Hi! I'm Tala, aka Corvus. I'm a lab rat/research scientist in training, in the field of microbiology (I start playing with either tularemia or tuberculosis Monday- wish me luck). I also like to make stuff, and blog about stuff I make (and other creative topics) at http://corvustristis.livejournal.com.
I'm a chronic lurker- even when I join a forum with the explicit intent of getting involved, I inevitably turn into a lurker within a few posts. I'm not sure what it is, nor how to fix it.
Up to one third of the world's population has Toxoplasmosis (~22.5% of Americans), an infection caused by the parasitic protozoan Toxoplasma gondii. Toxoplasma encysts in muscle and brain tissue- the latter is important, because recent studies have shown that Toxoplasmosis has definent effects on the behavior of host animals, possibly including humans. In (alarmist) summation: one third of the world's population, while they may think themselves to be self-determinant, is actually under the command and control of a brain parasite. Explains a lot, doesn't it?
Of course, that could be a testament to a) my city's not-so-impressive roads, b) my not-so-impressive Mariokart skills or c) both.
I'm a chronic lurker- even when I join a forum with the explicit intent of getting involved, I inevitably turn into a lurker within a few posts. I'm not sure what it is, nor how to fix it.