Shannon Larratt 2's Comments

Replace "God" with "Leprecaun" or "Ghosts" or "Cyclopean Giants" or "Zeus" or whatever mythology is not your personal superstition and see if your response sounds as clever as it does in its initial version.
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Squee, atheism isn't a religion that you teach. It's the absence of superstitious indoctrination in favor of a reasoned understanding of the observable universe around us. Atheism comes naturally from not filling a kid's head with nonsense mythology.
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Indoctrinating a child in ANY religion is a form of child abuse in my opinion.

The ONLY reason that these absurd superstitions -- and all the violence and hatred and evil that they bring with them -- persist is because we indoctrinate children before they know any better. If religion wasn't presented to people until they were educated adults the entire concept of religion would be laughable and would become nothing but mythology in a single generation.

And dueling religions as a part of a bitter divorce? That's completely perverted and the only one that'll lose in that game is the child...
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You bet we do!!! It's the single most important thing we can do! As an atheist, the closest thing to a religious mission I think we're on is to convert the universe from empty matter to conscious matter.
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Sledding actually is an Olympic sport:

I only discovered this when I saw the Olympic medal bulletin board at my daughters school and would have assumed the same thing before that.
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PETA works incredibly hard to make animal rights supporters look like morons. They MUST be funded and run by those who are in reality opposed to the idea. It's the only explanation for an endless stream of stunts that work against their stated goals and turn them into a laughing stock.
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Very impressive... This must have taken ages. I made a video using the same technique two years ago, but I printed only a tiny fraction of the number of frames they did:
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I've never understood why people want a tattoo in a language they don't understand... It seems to me like you'd want a deep connection with your tattoos, and for that to happen, you need to understand it.

I feel like this is what happens when something that should be profound is reduced to posturing... Not that tattoos HAVE TO be profound, but these errors really scream poseur.
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I wonder how this would be for people with muscular dystrophy and other muscle wasting disorders... I'd love to be able to regain the ability to walk with ease. I imagine there's a lot of crossover potential with this technology.
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Wow, that's remarkable... And the fact that they're DIY, made out of scavenged MP3 players and so on is even more amazing. You'd think that someone with the sort of skills required to do this could get a real, high-paying job instead. They have an admirable skill set!
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