rampatmonkey's Comments

It's one of Chuck Noris' sets of auxiliary testicals. A man that ballsy has to have more than one set, and these are well protected for maximum awesomeness.

comic skull and crossbones size m
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This is awesome. This guy survived one of history's worst genocides - he has every right to dance, as well as his descendants who wouldn't be here if he hadn't. And for those poor souls who did not survive, I believe most would be happy - happy for those who did survive, happy that those who destroyed them were defeated, and happy that the places that brought so much misery into the world can bring a little joy, even if it's just a small but emotional celebration of freedom and life.
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*guy with a large knife comes over to stab me*
"NOOOOOO! Don't stab me!"
"Oh, I can't help it - I have a gene that makes me violent"
"Oh, alright then"

I DON'T THINK SO! If someone does something because of their genetics, it only makes them more likely to do it again. This is more of a reason for life in prison than freedom. It would suggest they can't be rehabilitated. Though, as others have noted, I'd like to see how many normal people have the same gene and don't act on it.
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