Is the candid camera thing around anywhere? I tried to find it without luck - I hadn't heard about it until this week, and it sure sounds like it would great.
I actually find the shirt relatively dignified in giving the individual's name. It affirms their humanity in a sense, and it seems like a win-win to me.
My gut instinct from high school geometry was the same as what some others have already said, that is I was thinking it is a point with no dimension by definition (thanks Mr. Clevenger - you were a great teacher!) However, I understand it is not a very satisfying answer.
Not a big fan of Miller products; for affordable I am okay with Coors products. I was pleasantly surprised to see that my parents' beer of choice, Strohs, was not on the list - I figured it would be because it is considered a cheap one. One beer I had a long time ago but remember its flavor distinctly was Iron City Light in the Pittsburgh area - can't say that I cared for it too much.
Great interview with the author here: