I guess I am smart enough without twitter to figure out that if my face is paralyzed to go to the hospital. I can't believe he posted all that crap before seeking medical attention.
I vote neat. It is interesting to learn of abnormalities in people there is nothing wrong with looking at our differences. We can educate ourselves and have more of an open mind and understanding. I don't think pointing out that people are different = sideshow. Now the smoking toddler is another story.
Monty Python completely had my husband. He started to mess with the subtitles so I asked him what language they were in so he could figure out what to shut off. I have never seen anyone fall that hard for that joke.
One of the huge myths about suicide is the people who say they want to kill themselves are only looking for attention and won't do it.
My dad had suicidal thoughts for about a year he told my mother and went to a crises center where they set him up with a couple councilors he saw on a regular basis. He did end up taking his own life and it was mostly well thought out. He knew where he was going to leave his car because he didn't want family or children to find him. He had a couple post it style notes on his desk that implied he did not plan on being there later in the week. He was social and an active member of the community was not giving stuff away and dressing in black. The only sign that he was going to kill himself was that he had told people a few times over the past year that he wanted to end it.
The main thing right now would be to stop the person from doing something irreversible. There are ways to stay in the country or you could always go back to their homeland (depending on how bad the place is) make a life there and get in the proper way.
"I have had photographers say that I have captured things they would not have been able to for example I took a picture of a bridge of the Edinburgh Canal and in the bottom right hand corner there was half an image of a jogger."
It is kind of interesting but to praise her art because there is half a jogger in a picture is strange. What about that is something that other photographers are unable to do?
Will Smith would have been great in the matrix, but Cloony in Hancock? I donno about that. Matt and Ben in Brokeback you know they would never live down the rumors of it being true but they do have good chemistry.
My dad had suicidal thoughts for about a year he told my mother and went to a crises center where they set him up with a couple councilors he saw on a regular basis. He did end up taking his own life and it was mostly well thought out. He knew where he was going to leave his car because he didn't want family or children to find him. He had a couple post it style notes on his desk that implied he did not plan on being there later in the week. He was social and an active member of the community was not giving stuff away and dressing in black. The only sign that he was going to kill himself was that he had told people a few times over the past year that he wanted to end it.
The main thing right now would be to stop the person from doing something irreversible. There are ways to stay in the country or you could always go back to their homeland (depending on how bad the place is) make a life there and get in the proper way.
It is kind of interesting but to praise her art because there is half a jogger in a picture is strange. What about that is something that other photographers are unable to do?