RooBoy's Comments
@Muzition , I am an ex-pat Canadian mate, living in Melbourne as I type, and I wouldn't buy that plane ticket just yet..
the governments reported unemployment rate is around 5.3% at present, which on the surface seems to be much lower than in Canada, but take this idiotic tidbit into account....
The Australian government classifies working 1 (ONE) hour a week as being "fully" employed and there for not counted in official employment stats.
In actual fact the unemployment rate is around 10-15% with rumours the rate is closer to 20% ... so ya save your cash mate.. If I could I'd bail on this train wreck personally... buuut I can't
for some insight, have a quick read of this news article from today:
the governments reported unemployment rate is around 5.3% at present, which on the surface seems to be much lower than in Canada, but take this idiotic tidbit into account....
The Australian government classifies working 1 (ONE) hour a week as being "fully" employed and there for not counted in official employment stats.
In actual fact the unemployment rate is around 10-15% with rumours the rate is closer to 20% ... so ya save your cash mate.. If I could I'd bail on this train wreck personally... buuut I can't
for some insight, have a quick read of this news article from today:
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simply awful
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Edwin, don't forget Canada also has a monopoly on fresh water too ;-)
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fan-frickin'-tastic.. love the second round... 'devil!!!!' thanks!
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He should only be charge with "break" ... He didntbreally enter... LOL
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What is Americas hang up on social medical care for everyone? WTF is wrong with you people?
In case you hadn't noticed, low cost or free public health care works in MANY MANY countries around the world, try evolving to something outside of yourselves, oh and drop the religious arguments they're off topic and a complete waste of time and energy
In case you hadn't noticed, low cost or free public health care works in MANY MANY countries around the world, try evolving to something outside of yourselves, oh and drop the religious arguments they're off topic and a complete waste of time and energy
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Doh, wrong link,
The original original link:
The original original link:
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Oddly enough I was thinking about this in the shower today, well not the item above but this; THE ORIGINAL
I wouldn't be credititing this person with 'inventing' this, maybe improving ,but hardly original, or useful judging by the lack of sales for the original cutter
I wouldn't be credititing this person with 'inventing' this, maybe improving ,but hardly original, or useful judging by the lack of sales for the original cutter
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As an owner of two Sibes... This is pretty easy, the trick is getting them to stop at the end of the song ;-)
PS: best dogs on the planet!
PS: best dogs on the planet!
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Thanks Edward, sheesh theres always 'One' to suck the fun out of everything...
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RIP Robin, but I'm sorry DISCO SUCKED
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Ok I'm so taking a laser pointer to Fiji in two weeks!!!
If I manage to get any good video, I'll send t back to neatorama!
If I manage to get any good video, I'll send t back to neatorama!
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Nice Neatonazis' so Nessa can troll and tell the poster of this video to go and take a bottle of poison, but I post politely asking Nessa to follow her own advice first and I my post get removed.. nice....
real nice
real nice
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