Gellner 1's Comments

man it's called climate change, can we please call it climate change? global warming does not accurately reflect the changes the entire planet is going through...
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I drink tomato juice the morning after a night of drinking or (if i remember) before going to bed, and I swear by it. I used to get monster hangovers but a little V8 and I don't even feel it the next day!
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Fear of cats isn't entirely irrational if you consider that one of the main driving forces for primitive "humans" to develop larger and more complex brains for reasoning purposes was predation by big cats.
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Dear Neatorama author:

I think this article is in very poor taste. This isn't neat at all. This is a tragic story...were you having problems coming up with a story ideas? This isn't even current events....I don't understand why you posted this...
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  • Member Since 2012/08/12



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