Very cool pictures here... Definitely an eerie feeling; the black and white truly does the subject the justice it deserves. Has the same feel as looking at Frankenstein's lab.
Does anyone remember Rich Hall's Sniglets? People have probably been making up words since they started speaking and told which words they could use, but this seems like some sort of violation of his legal rights. I guess you can't copyright something like this though... Also, there is no mention of the word sniglet on their site which I suppose is fitting since they're ripping off his concept.
Mr. Carlin was the greatest standup comedian ever and he will be missed by everyone. His impact on comedy and joke telling cannot be underestimated: every comedian working today will throw high praise Carlin's way.
Neatorama should have done their homework: There are plenty of those quotes up their that are NOT Carlin. Carlin's own website has a list of jokes that are specifically not his and some of them are included here. Someone didn't do their homework and its a shame.
Neatorama should have done their homework: There are plenty of those quotes up their that are NOT Carlin. Carlin's own website has a list of jokes that are specifically not his and some of them are included here. Someone didn't do their homework and its a shame.