Wooooooo! Reno 911 is brilliant, one of my favorites to be certain. I hope this works out so I can start watching new episodes instead of the old ones on repeat.
I'm a die-hard DC fan (as well as Vertigo and Wildstorm) and I'd chose DC over Marvel any day. That said, this is realdumb. Rebooting series that have been running since the 30's from issue #750 back to #1? Sucks. Seems like they're doing it for the same reason both Marvel and DC do these kind of events, to simplify or streamline the continuity. But this might just massively complicate things. Marvel always beats DC in the universe-wide events (usually better in concept, always better in execution) and this probably will not help DC's record. However, the incorporation of Vertigo and Wildstorm characters such as John Constantine or Midnighter/Apollo in to the DC universe are worth a checking out.
I saw this coming years ago. The 00s were steeped in that 80s nostalgia garbage. It seemed pretty obvious the 90s would get a similar treatment. But nothing culturally definitive about the 90s? Absurd.