Kludgy's Comments

And you're right.. Lincoln not a shining beacon of doing right by equality, so that was an insensitive point to bring up. I apologize for that. :(
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Indeed. Unlike the recent republican agendas that involved fascist tactics to secure victory, part of which were to (and let me be very clear on this spin control) crying screaming crocodile tears when anyone fought back.

So yes I am bitterly hopeful for a lot more humanity and progress, sitting down at the same table and considering real issues, instead of ripping the world apart for personal gain.
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Sooo.. you finally get a candidate who speaks sanity after terms of end-times INsanity, is smart enough to DO what no other candidate has in terms of going *PERSON-TO-PERSON* to get the word out to the ignored FIFTY PERCENT of the population, fighting an uphill battle in your bigoted country, and you're sitting around going, "well.. hmmm I dunno.. he's a little TOO good at this.. hmm.. a little TOO good at unifying people"?! ("If you're not for us you're against us (but I'm not racist!)" right?)

Do you even *remember* who Abraham Lincoln was anymore, or has the straw man up-selling of the past terms completely reprogrammed your concept of humanity and history?

And EP ya funny little troll, thanks for making me do a spit take at my monitor.

"This is going to look really stupid in two years when Obama’s incompetence will no longer be possible to hide." --EP

*snort* Riiight, cause we all remember that Bush was such an intelligent guy doing doing a fantastic job. Like anyone agreeing with this really isn't just defending bigoted d*uchebaggery or selfish libertarian fantasies.
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"Abortion is killing." -cfe

You've discovered a euphemism. Clever monkey!

Now remember to keep hitting everybody over the head with this.. because a rational discussion concerning real ethical crises must never be allowed!
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It's not amazing that people get worked up about this at all. It is a charged presentation because fundamentalists get absolutely goo-goo eyed over Palin being 'cute'.

What would you do if you had a candidate this weak? Well perhaps play to the large number of citizens who feel threatened by leaders who are smarter than themselves. Hence the goofy presentations.. win win, makes the scared folks feel better and distracts them from facts.

Really think about the ways that a sheltered running mate can be manipulated, and you may start to get some new insight into how dark this situation is.
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"All you activists out there: Get some RELIABLE information before you go making asses of yourselves protesting something you know nothing about. It’s right to be skeptical about Chinese propaganda, but you must also question the propaganda handed to you by the CIA-backed Dalai Lama."

Good advice about questioning motives, but I think the cia link is stale news.
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"I am also find it interesting that most Pro-Tibet activists have always focused on what the Chinese government have done wrong, yet there is no mentioning of any thing they have done right."

Riiight.. the big bad polyandrists marching the countryside torturing and shooting civilians. Those the ones you mean? Sheez, some perspective & respect please.
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"She’s absolutely thrilled at this opportunity for some media grandstanding and conspicuous victimhood." --Evil Pundit

That's a 'conspicuously safe' thing to say. Leading the charge.. got a few hits for that one huh?

Jokes, jabs, murder.. grinning rictus of the straw man grows ever wider, but you've got to pay attention before you can make things better. The guard who abused privileges to bully another human being (an employee even!) needs to be disciplined accordingly.
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Really R, glad you have it all figured out.. funny you refuse to see the real problem. It doesn't matter because this is racial crap. This is Atlanta. If that had been a white employee there wouldn't be any incident more than a normal response, like this: "I would like a new burger because there is too much salt on this one."
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