Who cares what they're celebrating, they're all bloody myths. This "jesus" person was supposedly born in the spring, but they moved his "mythological" birth to december/january to push the pagan winter solstice celebrations out of the way.
I've been touched my his noodley appendage.
BTW, the orthodox christians still do use the Julian calandar, as opposed to the slightly more modern gregorian calendar.
To repeat the meme, this just proves that the repugs stole the last two elections, in which case it would have been 7 of 6 instead of 5 of 8 previous elections.
yeah, I too heard that he was "sharing" these mp3s. The RIAA ain't going to be going after you for ripping for personal use anytime soon, it would be an overwhelming outcry that even the hated RIAA couldn't ignore.
The unfortunate thing about The Who's classic line, "I hope I die before I get old" is that you end up being old before you know it. one day you're in your mid-twenties, you blink and suddenly find yourself 20 years older, blink again and you've lost control of your car in a car wash. I feel sorry for the old bugger, a more appropriate quote might be, "there but for the grace of god, go I" ... for now. TTtalkin' 'bout my gggeneration.
Dan, it's not anti-religion or anti-god, if you'd read the book you'd know that it's really just a different religion or god. A different worldview than the judeo-xtian one that infuses western civilisation and, because of its horrific history causes so much hatred and death.
Stupid stupid woman. Oh well, darwin wins again. She will almost certainly regret this decision. I've met dozens of women who've had sudden change of mind wrt bearing children aroudn the age of 30. And if she thinks that by sterilizing herself that she's somehow helping the planet with a population of over 6 billion, she's completely out of her fscking mind. Idiot.
I've been touched my his noodley appendage.
BTW, the orthodox christians still do use the Julian calandar, as opposed to the slightly more modern gregorian calendar.
I submit, MMYC (may make you cry).