blackjackshellac's Comments

All I know is that my tests with Firefox 3.0 beta went fine except for the lack of the Adblock plugin. Holy crap, what a difference that made to my browsing experience. Thankfully the plugin is now available for the firefox beta.
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People people people, don't be too smug about old folks, because your time will come, and you'll say to yourself, "holy crap, how did that happen". And it will come MUCH sooner than you think. It's amazing how fast one's 30s and 40s go by, thankfully I still have a couple of years left in the former decade.

Congratulations Sir Mick, next year you can start collecting your gubmint pension.
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I agree with Angry BBQ. I'm pissed about winter too. it was supposed to go up to 5C today (~41F) but it only seemed to make ti to 3C (~37F). Goddamnit, I'm angry. At least it's not snowing.
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Shouldn't that be floccinaucinihilipilification, not floccinaucihihilipilification. Don't you just hate spelling flames?

Anyway, the pronunciation is easy: floxi-noxi-ny-hilli-pilli-fi-cayshun.
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MBNA are the most evil credit card company in the world. I once bought a stove and fridge from a company that used MBNA to finance the purchase. A month after I bought it, I decided to just pay off the balance because of a bit of luck I'd had. A couple of years later I was applying for a mortgage and was informed by my bank that my credit rating was in the toilet because MBNA had savaged my rating. It took me several weeks of exasperated phone calls to clera up the mess with a couple of credit agencies, and the idiots at MBNA.

I've other friends who have had similar problems with them. They prey on people who have little or no credit. They are essentially legalized loan sharks.

Run, don't walk, from these idiots.
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