I visited Pompeii with my HS Latin teacher and the whole class spent a couple of hours just translating graffiti. It was tons of fun and a highlight of my trip.
In my area we broke records that had stood since 1911. Was there global warming in 1911?
Weather is not climate. Those trying to use weather to support an argument for anthropogenic global warming just undercut their position.
Sometimes it's hot. Sometimes it's cold. There is climate change over time (little ice age, medieval warm period). It is the height of hubris to think that we have much impact on climate or could somehow bend it to our will.
I (and my family) strongly support organ donation. I have let my family know my wishes and have it identified on my drivers license.
However, I completely disagree with this plan. It makes an assumption that our bodies are a resource of the state to be disposed of according to the state's wishes. I find that really, really problematic.
I donate regularly (rotating between whole blood, double red or platelets depending on need) and I too find the questions to be tedious. Particularly when it's only been 2 weeks since my last platelet donation.
I believe we should maintain the present ban. People need to have confidence in the safety of the blood supply. This isn't a question of 'rights' it is a question of public health.
The harmful of effects of DDT were actually over stated. Careful use of DDT is a lifesaver and in fact, good for me-e-e!
If the prohibition on DDT were lifted and it was judiciously used in Africa (primarily through the spraying of homes walls) millions of people's lives would be saved.
Every person who fought to have DDT banned, and who supports the ban today has the blood of untold millions of 3rd world deaths from malaria on their hands.
Should convicted pedophiles/child rapists be held accountable for their crimes? I say yes.
Are famous and rich people above the law? I say no.
The fact that ANYONE is defending this man disgusts me. He plead guilty - he should have done the time. I hope he comes back and serves his time.
Interesting that you link the the Anne Applebaum column without noting that her husband is a Polish politician who has made great efforts to have Polanski's arrest warrant voided. Applebaum is not exactly a neutral party in this story.
Rent is only wasted money if you spend more to rent than you would spend in taxes and mortgage interest in a given month.
Right now I rent with a room mate. If I were to purchase a condo across the street I would be paying *more* per month in just taxes and association fees than I am to rent now.
You throw away some money (taxes, interest, association fees) when you own a house too.
I plan on buying next year and paying cash. No need for a mortgage and I will have monthly expenses that are roughly the same.
When my mother attended Rosary College their teams were naturally enough called the "Rosary Beads" with an unofficial 'mascot' of a giant Rosary that some of the girls would bring to games.
Weather is not climate. Those trying to use weather to support an argument for anthropogenic global warming just undercut their position.
Sometimes it's hot. Sometimes it's cold. There is climate change over time (little ice age, medieval warm period). It is the height of hubris to think that we have much impact on climate or could somehow bend it to our will.
However, I completely disagree with this plan. It makes an assumption that our bodies are a resource of the state to be disposed of according to the state's wishes. I find that really, really problematic.
I believe we should maintain the present ban. People need to have confidence in the safety of the blood supply. This isn't a question of 'rights' it is a question of public health.
Money orders were used for ebay which was huge at the time.
I really like Dan Savage... but at this point he is becoming a terrible bully.
If the prohibition on DDT were lifted and it was judiciously used in Africa (primarily through the spraying of homes walls) millions of people's lives would be saved.
Every person who fought to have DDT banned, and who supports the ban today has the blood of untold millions of 3rd world deaths from malaria on their hands.
Should convicted pedophiles/child rapists be held accountable for their crimes? I say yes.
Are famous and rich people above the law? I say no.
The fact that ANYONE is defending this man disgusts me. He plead guilty - he should have done the time. I hope he comes back and serves his time.
Interesting that you link the the Anne Applebaum column without noting that her husband is a Polish politician who has made great efforts to have Polanski's arrest warrant voided. Applebaum is not exactly a neutral party in this story.
Right now I rent with a room mate. If I were to purchase a condo across the street I would be paying *more* per month in just taxes and association fees than I am to rent now.
You throw away some money (taxes, interest, association fees) when you own a house too.
I plan on buying next year and paying cash. No need for a mortgage and I will have monthly expenses that are roughly the same.